Chapter Twenty-Five

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"That can't work."

"What can't work?" I ask as Joe looks at the calendar and papers in front of us. He runs a hand through his hair, a light frown on his face.

"The date."

I look at the calendar as well and sigh. We wanted a small wedding with the people closest to us there. That presented problems for me as a Nigerian. Nigerian celebrations are usually big and it's not only family that is invited but also friends, and those friends might invite their own friends as well. Needless to say, if I don't invite people who may have expected to have been invited for such a momentous event, I will likely receive questions as to why and they will also take offense to it.

"How will Austin be able to come with the situation at hand?" he continues, addressing the even bigger elephant in the room. It's been just about three weeks since we learned about Austin and Rose. Not only did that happen, but Rose called Austin just a few days ago to tell him that they could not be friends at all, so they've cut off from each other completely. This definitely hurts them both rather deeply.

I don't mind people on my side of the family scrutinizing the size of our wedding nearly as much as I hate the idea of Austin not being able to attend.

"Why don't you have a super-small church wedding and then a bigger one later?"

We look up at Nova, who sits beside her brother. We're all in the living room looking at dates and venues. This wasn't a decision that Joe and I wanted to make by ourselves; we wanted to include the twins.

"I'm with Sis on this—I think that would be best."

"And then . . . I was thinking that we can just do like some kind of video call when you do" Nova continues. "That way Austin can still be there, but not there."

Joe's eyebrows raise at that, and we look at each other. "A small church wedding?" I murmur.


"What? Why?"

I frown at Victoria. It's been a few days since the kids, Joe, and I spoke about the idea, and I thought that she may not be warm to it. But with the way she spits out the questions, it is clear that she dislikes the idea entirely.

I've also noticed that my sister has been busier lately. Or at least she says that she is busy. I get this odd feeling that she's ignoring me. I hope I'm just overthinking things, though. Her reception when I walked in was also cold. I take a seat at the island she stands by, knowing this conversation might take some time.

"We wanted a smaller wedding-"

"Then just do a small one with a reception. Why only a small church gathering?"

"But there's also Austin."

I'm surprised by her deep, angry frown. "So you're changing your plans for that boy? That boy who is just doing nonsense with his life?"

I'm taken aback by her words and just blink.

"I . . . what? What do you mean?"

"What a useless child," she says, her voice rising.

Again, I'm stuck. She's never talked about Austin like this. She used to like him so much and always talked about how he was so respectful. She loved how he and Rose got along so well.None of us have ever spoken to her about his past behavior so what is going on? Or wait . . . does she know about him and Rose? My heart stopsat the thought. Could she know?

"I don't understand," I say, trying to tread carefully.

"You care too much for that boy. Is he your son? Are you his mother? Why are you behaving like this?"

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