Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Grace was right. That seed that burrowed its way into my heart is turning into hatred.

"Did she pick up your call, by the way?" I ask Grace as we stand in the dining room after going over a few more things for the wedding. She blinks, confused.


"Victoria. You said you called her earlier, right?"

Her eyebrows rise and she gives a small smile.

"I did. No she did not, but that's alright. We both know that she's angry right now," she says easily, turning her attention back to a brochure in her hand.

"Like she has been for the last two weeks?" I can't help but say, my mouth already set into a grimace. She frowns before setting the brochure down.


"I'm just saying. She should just get the heck over herself."

Her brow furrows.


"She's been ignoring your calls for two weeks now. Before that she was treating you coldly. Now Rose isn't able to come over, her husband won't say anything to me about what's going on, and then she went and talked to you like she did. She needs to get over herself, Grace. If she's a real adult, then she should freaking act like it. What's with all this playing around like we're back in high school? If she has a problem, she should be enough of an adult to-"

"Stop it," she says, her voice low. "I don't want you talking about my sister like that."

"You're going easy on her."

"I am not going 'easy' on her. It is you I am most concerned about."

I snort in disbelief.

"Me? I'm not the one who's acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum."

"Joe," she grits out. "I do not like you disrespecting my sister in such a way. At the end of the day, she is still my sister."

I open my mouth to retort before really catching her expression. Grace is upset. I'm upsetting her. I shut my mouth, wanting to say more, but I don't. My goal isn't to anger the woman I love. Yet I was blinded by my own anger to the point that I didn't mind offending her. This isn't our first exchange about this either. We've talked about this a few times since the stunt Victoria pulled, but this was our first argument about it.

I realize in this moment that Grace is right. I feel hatred towards Victoria. It isn't terribly difficult, since I wasn't fond of how she handled matters with Rose already. But that never caused me to dislike her.

I grit my teeth, going over my own words. Even though there might be some truth to some of them, I could have easily chosen better ones.

"I'm sorry," I say. She nods slowly.

"I forgive you."

"I won't disrespect your sister like that anymore."

"I appreciate that," she says.

I nod, working my jaw for a moment, and we stare at each other. I reach my hand out and she walks forward, taking hold of it. I draw her near and let out a breath.

"Forgive me," I say, my apology more genuine. I definitely let my anger get the best of me in that moment. Her other hand moves to my chest, and she knocks on it lightly with her knuckles.

"I forgive you . . . but I think you should be careful. The way you have been talking has been so unlike you."

She's right; I tend to be more gracious. Out of the both of us, I am quicker to remind us both to extend grace. But with Victoria, I've been noticing how short-fused I am now.

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