Chapter 32

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Third Person's POV

After entering Castelle's condominium unit, the two adults remained silent. The atmosphere that surrounds them is so awkward that no one dares to speak first.

On the other hand, the little bun is fighting against sleep in his so-called mother's arms. He was afraid that the moment he go to dreamland, his mama will give him back to his papa and his papa will bring him home leaving his mama behind.

So with all his might, he is trying his best to stay awake. But being in his mama's embrace is so comfortable that his eyes are getting heavy every second and every moment.

After a long silence, Castelle, being the host of the house finally decided to become hospitable to her guest despite her nervousness inside.

She didn't feel this way before when she invited Dustin and his son to her unit last time so why is she feeling like this now?

"Ah... w-well... you may sit anywhere," she said trying her best to sound calm but failed.

In her unit, she has an L-shaped sofa in the living area with a floor-to-ceiling window where you can view the city, a center round glass table, and a 52" flat screen smart tv. Next to it is the kitchen with a bar counter and three high stools that serve as her dining area as well. Then one bedroom with one queen-size bed and one toilet and bath.

Dustin nodded and sat on the sofa in a meticulous way like a young master as he is.

"Are you... really going to sleep here???" Castelle asked hesitantly with her heart beating like a drum.

Dustin looked at her and met her eyes, "Yes." he said calmly.

Now that he discovered something, he will surely not let her sleep alone in her house.

"Then... I will just put Little Fella to bed and... can we talk after?" she said and immediately rushed inside her room without waiting for the man's reply.

She turned on the light and put the little bun on her bed, the little fella struggled at first because he thought his mama will leave him alone but his heart became calm when Castelle lay down beside him.

She covered him with her comforter and patted his fatty butt, making him more sleepy. The baby stared at her while trying his best to fight his sleep. Then he touched her face with his small chubby hands.

"Mama... go??" he asked with his hoarse voice because of too much crying from earlier.

She smiled and kissed the baby's forehead and said, "No, I will not. I'll sleep here with you."

"Papa said mama will go."

"Oh." Finally, she get what the baby meant, so Dustin already explained to him about her hiking to the mountain, "You don't want me to go??" she asked with her sweet voice.

The little bun nodded, "Lebi hwurt mama so Lebi is sowy. Pwease don't lib Lebi, mama? Pwease?" he pleaded so sweetly with his eyes getting teary again.

(Levi hurt mama so Levi is sorry. Please don't leave Levi, mama? Please?)

The pleading of the baby hurts Castelle's, tender heart. She wanted to say that she will not leave him at that moment but she already said yes to the group so retreating at the last minute is a very irresponsible move. Plus, she'll be doing that for the children who don't have any means to go to the hospital for check-ups. The medical mission is a great opportunity to help others especially someone like her who really loves children.

She thinks for a while before answering her baby, "I'm not going to leave you." she said while wiping Levi's milky cheeks that became wet again because of his tears. Now that Levi opened up to her again, she will definitely not leave him, "I'll just go to the mountain for two days to help the other kids, after that, I'll return to you."

Mr. Perfect and His Cute Little SonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon