❶_A Desert Rose

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IRAQ - April, 2003

How fucking hot.

That was the first thing came to your mind as soon as the van started the ride. Despite the light clothing you wore, you were sure you weren't going to take it so easily.

Well, when your major made you such a proposal two weeks ago, you didn't hesitate to accept, it could be an amazing turning point for your career, after all!

You were quite excited at first, but as soon as you set foot in that country, you realized how wrong you were...

The driver was late and, thanks to him, you looked like a tourist lost in the middle of the market; to waste your time, you started reading a local map just bought to figure out where you were exactly, but it was difficult without an English translation...

And this should be called Beginner's Luck? Fuck it.

Anyway, the van arrived after an hour. You were drenched in sweat, but decided to maintain a bit of decency by avoiding shouting to the man behind the wheel, waving the map in front of your face just like a folding fan for the rest of the journey.

You wondered why nobody hadn't come to get you. Maybe, they hadn't been warned of your arrival or had thought you had lost somewhere in the desert...

You sighed deeply at the thought of that, as pulled a few tufts of hair back over your forehead.
Before you left, you cut your hair, but it didn't seem like it worked very well against the heat, but definitely that cheeky look mirrored your character to perfection.

But when you reached the final destination, you were struck by the vision of that big palace...they must have worked hard to take control of that area, you thought before getting ready to get off with your bags.

As you walked up the road to the main entrance, you saw a couple of armed soldiers appear right there.
Their looks didn't scare you, of course, but your civilian outfit didn't help a lot.

《Hey there, I need to talk with your big boss.》  You said by showing identification when you approached them.

In response, one soldier motioned for you to follow him inside, while the other covered your back, gazing at the van was gone suspiciously.

Now, you were literally in the wolf's lair.

You hated to admit it, but were thrilled to be able to join an expedition out of the country, ignoring the fact it was the first time for you.
You walked up the stairs of a narrow corridor until stopped in front of a large door; there, the soldier knocked a couple of times before letting you in.

That room was far too much to be a commander office, also because there was just a desk in the center of it.

Anyway, another person was standing there and turned in your direction.

With one arm stretched across the surface of the table, the woman stood staring at you. She was definitely older than you and was wearing a short-sleeve top, a dark combat pants and a pair of boots; plus, she had her hair tied in a low bun.

《...you must be Y/n Hale, right?》  She started by letting her eyes fall on a sheet of paper  《I didn't think the warrant officer they were going to send me was a girl.》

Apparently, that caramel woman seemed surprised to read that you were just twenty-six, so you didn't know whether to take her reaction well.

In any case, you placed the bags on the ground and raised your arm to make the typical military salute.

𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 || Jason Kolchek X ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora