❶❾_Facing Fears

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《...is it Nick?》

Suddenly, Rachel's worried voice asked when she heard a voice on the other side of Eric's radio, who immediately answered the signal.

《He's alive!》  He screamed out loud thus attracting your attention, especially Jason's; he couldn't believe his comrade had survived the explosion that set the cocoons on fire...

《Hang tight Sergeant, we're on our way!》  Jason yelled back and all of you, including Salim, made your way to the mounds.

But in order not to be seen by the creatures that flew over your heads, your group split temporarily; Salim went with Jason to find Nick, while you, Rachel and Eric run in the direction of the entrance, where the elevator was waiting for you.

Thankfully, no vampires attacked you and your right leg didn't give out. That place was literally falling down and you were willing to do anything to make it, now that they would be back with Sergeant Kay, you all could have hoped to finally forget that shitty place!

Or was this what you thought before seeing the two figures of Jason and Nick join your group.

《Wait...where is Salim?》  Your eyes moved from them to below, towards the path you had just run, hoping to see the figure of Salim emerge...

But you couldn't see anyone and that increased your concern.  《W-we can't leave him behind, we have to go get him or he'll die!》

Just then, Jason got a call from Salim saying he was surrounded by vampires and for this he couldn't reach you, at least not alone...

Of course, everyone saw you two worried about the Iraqi soldier, but no one seemed to understand your words, as they remained silent and with their weapons lowered.

I get it now...they never trusted him at all, that's the hard shit truth!

《He's already a dead man, you better put your soul in peace with that, Lieutenant...and that man is not one of us, we need to go now before ends up like him!》

Eric was the first to reply with little sensitivity, and maybe also of humanity, but you tried to ignore it as much as you could; at that point, you looked at Jason for any support from him and his gaze seemed thoughtful, as if he were struggling with his own thoughts. And against his own duties.

But your attention returned to the voice on the other side of the radio.


《If I don't make it out...please, tell my son I did everything I could.》

Definitely, your heart broke in two when you heard those words come from Salim, a father who was desperately trying to get home to his boy, but that nobody wanted to fucking understand and your anger could just increase because of that...

Until you heard Jason cut him off abruptly.

《Tell him yourself. I'm coming to get you now, you hearing me Salim?》

Of course, you couldn't help but be relieved that he wouldn't leave him behind and a tear accidentally fell from your eye.

《Wait, I want to go with you Jason!》  You started, looking up at him with your doe eyes  《Please, Salim has done so much for me and I want to help you get him out of there!》

Though your noble intentions, Jason shook his head as he gently placed a palm on your shoulder.

《Sorry sweetheart, but not this time. You'd be in my way and this is the only way to keep you safe. Try to understand.》  Jason said quietly, hoping you understood him, but when he pulled his arm back to turn away, you stopped him again with both arms.

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