❷❺_Only You

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Once the lunch was finished, you decided to walk around with Jason to show him the places you knew well, turning your head and pointing your finger just at anything and he couldn't help but smile all the time, without interrupting you in any way.

Two months had passed since he had listened to your voice and now could tell he missed it so much, just like he had noticed that your hair had grown slightly longer than last time and it was simply enchanting to see the wind caressed them gently...

Of course, Jason was thinking of doing it with his own hands, until you turned in his direction with a worried expression.

《I think it's better to go back, you must be tired after that long flight...》  You said meeting his gaze under the cap, but getting a short snort from the other.

《Well I think I've gotten used to all this jet lag so I'm just fine Y/n...》  Right there, Jason wrapped his arm around your small shoulders  《And there's no way I can be tired when I'm with you sweetheart, swear you're better than that fuckin' drink I just had!》

You didn't hold back a giggle at that but decided to kept your word and, hand in hand, you headed home with him. During that, Jason wondered what kind of house you lived in and judging by your personality, you were definitely the type of girl who owned a penthouse just in one of those modern buildings...

But the reality was very different from how he had thought and soon, when he reached a quiet and simple neighborhood, away from all that urban noise.

《I bought one of these houses when I moved to the academy. My real home is in Madison, but after my father's death...》  Of course, you didn't add anything else and just kept walking on a driveway a few meters ahead, where there was a white and stone house.

《I see, it must've been tough for ya, growin' alone...》  Kolchek replied without stopping to look around and waiting for you to retrieve the keys  《But I'd have preferred that anyway, for me at least...everything's better than those fuckin' assholes.》

You were looking for the house key when Jason said that words, no doubt he was referring to his own family, the same one he had never told you about before...

《Home Sweet Home!》  Anyway, you sighed happily as you inhaled that nostalgic air in the hall and that you had left the last time to go to Iraq; there, Jason said nothing and just looked around, noting how neat and welcoming the place was.

《You can say it loud. Damn Y/n I can't believe this is all your size, how'd fuck small are you!?》  The cap boy laughed when his attention fell on a piece of furniture on the wall, just at his shoulder height, sure he wouldn't stop teasing you about that for the rest of the evening and you tried your best to hold back the frown on your face.

But then, you saw him there, staring in your direction as a smile adorned his gaunt cheeks and barely discovered by the cap; he was about to make another joke, you thought desperately, until you saw him scratching his nape nervously, no idea what he should say or do...after all, Jason was the guest to cuddle, no?

So, you thought going straight to the kitchen and prepare something when realized there wasn't much left in the fridge.

What the— nice crap Y/n! What I supposed to do now!?

Jason slowly walked over to notice your face, now red with embarrassment and couldn't help but chuckle to himself when he realized what the problem was, causing further panic in you.

《Actually, I really need to take a shower. But I'll just go elsewhere if that's a prob–》

《Please don't even think about it Jason!》  You interrupted him, grabbing his left forearm gently and letting him follow you to where the bathroom was.  《Don't be afraid to ask me, okay? I'm the one who invited you here, so you're allowed to annoy me with that!》

𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 || Jason Kolchek X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now