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In the ways of the Shadow World, speaking of the First Angel was not forbidden, but more of a taboo. They knew of the legends, of the Great War between the Angels and Demons themselves, and the cosmic being whom led the rebellion. No one really knew what happened, like stated before, it was not taught to them like how Shadowhunting was imbued into them.

The Fourth Mortal Instrument proved to be real, however, which should have not been a surprise to them. So, maybe the legends they knew had to be too.

All the legends are true, what an understatement that was.

As she thought about this, Lyra sat in the meeting room beside Jace, Alec, and Isabelle. The four of them being stared over by Maryse and Shang.

The silent fury raging behind Shang's facade had to be the most suffocating thing she has ever felt. It actually instilled fear into her bones and she had to keep her eyes on the ground the avoid meeting his gaze. Because if she did, she would surely crumble into pieces.

How could Henry have ever been raised by such a cold, terrifying man?

Speaking of Henry, he was the reason that they were being interrogated at the moment by this man. That and his brothers.

Three days ago, Henry, his brothers, and their belongings had disappeared overnight. No one knew where they could have gone because the security cameras had been tampered with that night, and no one had even saw them leave the Institute. But they had torn the place upside down, by the order of Shang, with no luck.

The Darkblood brothers had simply vanished, as if they never existed here in the first place.

Lyra and the others had been scouring the city, out of fear that his brothers had kidnapped him, relentlessly. They had only returned to get a new map and plan out new sector's of the city to search when they had been pulled into this meeting room. Their tired appearances were proof of their never-ending search.

"If we had any idea where they were..." Jace's voice is low, full of irritation from both lack of sleep and patience, "...don't you think we would have come clean by now?" His expression hardening as he had the gall to make contact with Shang.

Lyra leaned on the arm rest, her lids threatening to close. She fought off the sleepiness in order to keep focused. And luckily, Isabelle was having the same reaction beside her.

On the other side of Jace, however, Alec sat in a tensed position with his face almost as dark as Jace's, if not more intimidating. There were dark circles beginning to grow prominent around his pretty, green eyes. Of them all, he had to be the one getting the least amount of sleep, if any at all. Yet he did not look to be fighting off sleep, more so, he looked downright pissed.

"You all have been searching for seventy-two hours. Are you saying that you have found not one clue to their whereabouts?" Maryse questioned, looking just as impatient. She is eyeing her children, as if begging them to just tell Shang what he wanted to hear so she could be done with this, too.

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