S1 Chapter 12

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Claude's Point of View

It's been a few minutes and they are still not done yet , what are they doing to make me wait for a long time ?

I was starting to get irritated when the priest went near me with a scared face , I looked at him straight in the eye.

He shuddered and gulped , "What is the result ?" I asked. He looked in one of the highest position of the magic tower.

I dismissed the others and only the priest and the most highest ranking of the magic tower are left.

They two kneeled and made their head touched the ground. I am having a bad premonition just looking at this scene.

"What is wrong with her ?" I asked in a cold voice. They stuttered but still managed to speak a few words.

"It's a bad news , your majesty" I was getting impatient. "Get to the point" I said icily.

"She might die if she continued to keep the child , the mana is too great for her to handle and she doesn't have a mana to begin with" the magician said and the priest nodded as if agreeing.

"The only option for her to live is to abort  the unborn fetus"

"Is there no other way ?" I asked , the magician hesitated but continued to say what is in his thoughts.

"There is another way . . . B- but" he stuttered , I gave him a cold look and he nodded immediately.

"A magician can take away the mana of the child , but there is no one who can do such things. There is a magician who is said to be still alive but have not shown himself for a few generation. Some said he have a bad temper and his whereabouts is unknown" the magician gulp after saying that , what he said is almost saying to give up because of lack of clues.

(I want to make Lucas be found here , but making Diana alive is really not into my head)

I frowned my eyebrows , I can just fire them but the church is still useful and the magic tower is the one who also protect the kingdom.

Losing a talent in my empire is also a lost.

"Go" I ordered them , still troubled by the news that they gave me.

I remembered something , Diana have a personal doctor , right ?

What was his name again ? Vin . . . Vincent ?  Yes , it's Vincent.

Then . . . she will look to him first when something's wrong with her well being.

I looked at Felix who's beside me the whole time , "Find Vincent , he's Diana's personal doctor" I ordered and he nodded in response.

He bowed and said some formalities before leaving and closing the door.

I am alone at this moment , except for Diana who's unconscious of course.

I went near her and sat beside her in the bed. She's sweating so much , where's my handkerchief.

I tried to find my handkerchief but she said words in her unconscious state that made me stopped looking for my handkerchief and made my ear near her mouth.

I listened carefully to her words.

"If I do better . . . Will you finally notice me ? . . ."

I couldn't understand her words , what does she mean by doing better ?

Did that bastard of a father did something bad to her ?

(Siodonna is a province , not a kingdom)

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