S2 Chapter 7

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«The word 'Mother' isn't all just about taking care of your own child(ren) , They bought you into this world. They are our strength , the word 'love' can't be measured on how much they love and care for you. No matter how angry they are at you , there will always be guilt and hesitant on them , guilt if they raised you badly , or hesitant if they should scold you or let you be. No one is perfect and so are our mother(s). »


• Diana •
Tea Time

I looked at her. My daughter , Athanasia.

Blood spurted out from her mouth , staining her dress and the table red.

Athanasia looked at her hands filled with blood.

Claude widened his eyes.

Athanasia looked up to her father before loosing balance.

"Princess !!" Felix tried to grab her before Athanasia fell but Claude grab her in a flash before Felix could.

Claude put his hand just above Athanasia's chest and it suddenly glowed.

"Summon the magician !! This instant !!" Claude shouted and Felix immediately replied "Yes , Sire !"

I immediately kneeled infront of Claude who's holding Athanasia and looked at her worriedly.

My eyes started to turned red.


A few hours passed and none of the magician who's called can't find a way to save her.

She continued to be unconscious , as if sleeping.

I can't get close to her because i'm also one of the people who's near her when she collapsed.

Meaning , they think i have a connection to this incident but since i have been by their side for a long time , they just put me in a lockdown.

They immediately sent me to my room with guards outside my door.

It's been a few hours since i am locked inside my room.

I was once scared of the dark , but it gave me peace as time went by.

Everyone are scared of the dark , no one knows what is inside.

Monsters from the stories created 'fear' for us to be naturally afraid of the dark.

As a person who spent a long time with the dark , i now feel comfortable with it.

Ghosts might be true or does exist , but they are just souls from dead people who have resentment or regret in their life that even their soul can't be in peace.

I pity them , no . . . I feel sad for them.

*Sniff* *sniff*

I know that i am not the best mother , i don't know how to be a mother at all.

I didn't even have a mother , so how can i know how to be a mother.

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