S1 Chapter 13 (END)

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I'm now near my due date , i'm currently in my 8th month of pregnancy. Just remembering the weird combination of food still made me sick just thinking about it.

I passed on my knowledge to Layla , I found another rare person. Sigh , if Layla never became my assistant , then . . . Her talent will never be brought to light.

I asked her to be part of my family and I was quite nervous at first but when she nodded happily and accepted without hesitation , I was shocked by her reaction.

She didn't hesitate to agree with my request , and her answer made my heart warm.

"I will never be here today without my lady's help , I will never hesitate to agree your request even if it's a bad thing. I accepted your request not because of greed , I swore loyalty to you when I first met you in my heart"

Just thinking about it makes my existence in this world not useless. At least I have a friend who understand me the most.

I never thought about names these past few months since I know what is the most suitable name for her already.


What a beautiful name , even though Claude will hate it since he never got a name like his older brother , who is the former heir.

I will call him dead since he originally died already by the hands of Claude , he just got lucky since he got possessed by a powerful magician called 'Aeternitas'.

If Lucas just didn't do 'that' to him , then this problem will never arise in the future in the first place.

It's not like I can do anything about it , sigh , it's already a few centuries since that happened anyways.

I wonder how Nadia's family is doing now , I haven't personally met them since I moved here.

I also helped them if they needed help , though they almost didn't need my help since they're good people.

Some might even cause trouble for them since some of them knew about my connection to them , but luckily , i bribed them with money to shut their mouth.

There are some people who tried to take advantage of that and asked for more money.

I sent them to prison for some time as a result , when they got out , of course their money that they have will be deducted.

I'm not a saint so don't expect me to tolerate a second time crime.

My business have been blooming for the past few months.

I was a bookworm in my past life , it doesn't matter if you gave me an e-book , I will still read that.

My knowledge from my past life is really a great help in making this Empire more prosperous than before.

The medicine here have greatly improved by Vincent's great mind , I was also interested in medicine since I always become fascinated by things and I gave some advice to Vincent.

Though he regarded me as a genius in the field of medicine , what do you mean 'genius' ? The knowledge I gave you is not created by me , please give some credits to the Earth's people who discovered , improved , and made the medicine that you are praising me for.

It's not like I can say that I am from another world either , they will think I am crazy and have lost my mind.

It's better not to take credit since my conscience is still with me after all these years.

Lily even gave me some of her knitted socks , hats , and ect. for the baby , I mean I am grateful but I can just buy it.

(Some of her attitude is the same as the author)

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