32- someday you'll appreciate the little things

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M/n had doted on weak, pathetic Izuku for a majority of his life. Gazing over the railing, the older Bakugou didn't recognise that boy stood out there on the pitch- dropped shoulders, a confident posture, panting like a dog on a leash.

Whatever idolising heroes had made Izuku, M/n couldn't bear to witness it. Perhaps it was that brotherly fear, that everyone around you is evolving into their better selves and he was still... M/n.

An idiot stuck between a rock and a hard place, dancing closer to hell, with flames licking his feet, never to scrape a breath of heaven's air. That seemed reserved for others, never him. it could never be him.

But god, an admission to hell seemed tempting at times. If it could all just fall away... the responsibility, the shame, the desire to be at peace.

A poor man's wishes, when everyone around him could achieve so much more than him- with their ambition, with their aspirations, with their efforts and colossal dreams. With their whole lives ahead of them.

With these dark emotions swelling at the base of his neck, rising to the surface where he clenched his jaw and ground his teeth, he walked away from his place on the stairs, a pair of red eyes slipping away behind the railing like tail-lights winding down a dark road.

Jolting at the thought of Inko seeing him absent from the crowd, he had half a mind to turn back and show her he still cared about her family.

That he could still remember the scent of the flowers she brought him as he lay in stiff hospital sheets, and the feeling of Izuku's coarse hair when ruffled ( pre-quirk era), the plastic step stool she pulled out for him to access the kitchen counter and cut up his fruit like a 'big, strong boy', and how she always treated Katsuki with such kindness, even when his knuckles were splotched red and he whined about her son being a cry baby.

I'm not her kid, he scolded himself as he trudged down a musty hallway, why should she care about me? 

His reverence for Inko Midoriya could know no bounds, except when reality snapped its fingers in front of his face to remind him he was someone else's son.

Someone else's disappointment.

Stewing in this self-depreciating turmoil, he failed to notice another body skipping down the hallway. Pink locks and brass goggles glinted under pale fluorescent light.

"Product placement! Hey, I was actually looking for you just now!" a cheery voice broke his turned down glare.

"Uh-" an unpredictable smile shattered his gloom, "Oh, Hi Mei. You were looking for me? And what's with the nickname?" a short chuckle left his lips.

"Yeah, I suppose I could call you the shortened version of that then- PP. Or how about the PP meister?" her enthusiasm only struck M/n painfully through the heart.

"Never call me those things." He deadpanned.

"Coolio, there's a bunch of phone calls all bunged up in the system for you! Very popular on the old telephone, mister P-"


"-Mr Taller Twin. Heh, they're just over there. " He nodded and gave a quick wave as she continued skipping down the hall, a soft, excited hum emanating from the utility-belt girl.


The phone booths were stationed on a concrete wall, plastic sides around blue boxes, and phones with metal cords stiff from rarely being used. Pressing the number *1* a dull dial tone rang out, until the call connected, a crackle in his ear made his feat shift impatiently.

"This dude's so old I bet he doesn't even know how to use a phone-" some grumpy brat muttered to someone in the background, "- I'm telling you, the guy's ancient, you think you hired a kid but you hired someone's grandad, the dude literally slaps his knee when he laughs-"

Aniki // bnha x Bakugou!twin reader// ‼️Ended ‼️Where stories live. Discover now