Glow Since Day One

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After getting up I head into my bathroom and take a shower not before looking at myself in the mirror and sigh. "Nothing changed" I tell myself as I step in the shadow and begin to wash the sweat off my body, clean my skin and go get dressed in my normal clothes before heading out. "Lets see what should I do today since it's my day off" I have a look round but nothing seemed to catch my eye I could go see a movie or have a drink at the local cafe before I see a woman looking a little lost.

"Excuse me miss but do you need any help" I asked as she turns around only for me to realize the woman before me was Naomi. "Oh I know you [Fn] right actually I'm just waiting for someone" Naomi said as I notice she was dressed rather nice for a simple meet up which pointed to her witing for her date as she got a phone call before looking a little sad. "I hope I'm not over stepping my bounds but did he cancel" I asked as she put her phone away and looks at me.

"No but he is going to be late I'm just going to head home I guess" Naomi says as I notice the sad look in her eyes. "Well I'm not busy so we can hang out if you want" I say as Naomi looked at me with a goofy smile before smiling herself as we head to a nearby arcade. We play some games from shooting games to fighting games before walking out and head down to a local pub which just happens to have a pool table and I offer Naomi a game.

"You sure you want to do this I am very good at this game" Naomi says as she grabs her cue and I do the same. "Ok miss confident how about a wager you win and I'll do anything you ask of me but if I win then you have do anything I ask sound good" I say with a cocky grin on my face as I have played pool many times. As we played I noticed Naomi was getting more into the game and seemed a little more happy before I notice she was hitting every shot.

"Naomi have you ever played this game before" I asked as sweat forms on my forehead and she smiled at me while making her shot like a pro. "Only once or twice but I had a teacher who taught me how to play but my skills are only rookie level" Naomi says as I see her his another ball into a pocket and the only thought I could think of was rookie level my ass and with one last ball the game ends with Naomi being victorious. "Oh Crap" I say before Naomi looked at me with a wicked smile as she gave a light chuckle.

"Well I win which means you have to do what ever I ask oh how about we have you wear a dress" Naomi said as a joke however she did ask so I had to do it as I'm a man of my word so I go and buy a dress before changing as Naomi saw me walk out in the dress which made her laugh. "I was only joking you dummy" Naomi says as I nod before standing next to her. "I know but I'm a man of my word" I tell as she tell me to go and change back into my normal clothes which I did before we head down to the pier where we meet up with Jimmy Uso the person Naomi was waiting for and I explain that I was just keeping her company before Jimmy thanks me and the three of us hang out together.

"So [Fn] tell me why did you want to join WWE I mean most people have watched us but no one has ever wished to be like us" Jimmy asked as I leaned against the edge of the pier looking up at the clear blue sky as I gave answer. "Why not back in school I was always down at the gym pushing myself to my limit I even challanged the boxing clubs leader and won which soon lead to me being put in boxing tournaments I was actually undefeated" I say as they smiled before we see a crowd of people looking out to the see so I look in the same direction before seeing a small boy being pulled out to see by the waves as Naomi and Jay noticed. "We need to get help" Naomi say as I take off my shoes and dive into the sea and begin fighting the fierce waves but not stoping keeping my eyes focused on the kid in front of me.

As I reach the kid I see him crying and calling out for his mom and all I can do his wipe his tears and smile showing him things will be ok as I start dragging him back to the beach only for waves to push us back as I noticed a huge wave coming our way. "We are in trouble kid hold on" I say as the kid holds on to me as we are sent under water but as I hit the bottom my head hit a rock cutting my head before I got us back to the surface for air and I noticed the kid was gone and made a quick dive and carry him up for some air. "Come on kid breath" I say as the kid coughs up some water and I begin to swim us back to the beach where his mother was waiting as I take the little boy over to his mother who thanked me for saving her little boy.

"[Fn] you ok" Jimmy asked as he and Naomi walk over to me and I smile but the moment was soon interrupted when we notice red spot on the beach sand I fall but get catched by Jimmy as my consciousness fades only waking up for a breif second before I wake up in a hospital bed head wrapped up as Naomi and Jimmy walk in with smiles on their faces. "Why do I feel like I was hit by a truck" I say reaching for my head. "[Fn] your skull was fractured the doctor said it was amazing that you managed to swim back with an injury like that" Naomi tells me as Jimmy hands me a letter off the boy I rescued it was a thank you letter and that put a smile on my face.

"So how long am I going to be out of action" I asked as Naomi looked away with a sad look on her face before Jimmy steps next to me. "The doctor said you'll need to be out of action for 4 months which means you match with Drew was cancelled also you will need to have someone stay with you while you heal so we asked and Seth and Becky are going to look after you for these 4 months. *Great now I am out of action for 4 month but at least that kid wasn't harmed* I thought as Seth and Becky arrive and take me to their hotel room which thankfully had 2 beds as they set the bed up for me which leads us to well needed sleep.

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