Pain Of Losing

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After you and Derek became a team things quickly picked up before long it looked like you and Derek were in for a tag team title shot.

To you and Derek

"Derek how are things since you got out" I asked as you and Derek sat in your car on the way to the next location of NXT. "Things have been good but things will be even greater once we are tag champs" Derek says as I smile before we pull into parking lot only to see Hunter and William waiting for us before we walk over to them. "Is everything ok Mr Regal" I asked a little unsure of why Hunter was here before giving you the answer to that question.

"Hunter has been watching you both for the past month and he would like to offer you both a place on the main roster" Regal says as me and Derek look at each other and shake hands with Hunter to accept the places on the main roster before we head to the locker room to prepare for our last match on NXT. "I can't believe it as of next monday we will be on the main roster" Derek said as I was changing into my wrestling gear. "I know but this also means the fight to get to the top has also got hard but we stick together and nothing is going to break us" I say as we nod before making our way to the arena for our match but not before I see Seth and Becky pull up in the parking lot.

(Your real scum Seth) I thought as I quickly rejoin Derek ready to enter the arena with our theme playing the sound of a cheering crowd got me pumped as we make our way to the ring but as I got in the ring the lights go out before coming back on only for me to see Derek laying on the floor as the person who attacked me during my match with Samoa Joe was standing their but soon gets running as I get out the ring to check on Derek. After the Attack disappeared I take Derek to the doctors backstage for checking after a couple minutes they informed me that he would be able to compete on RAW next week. (Who the hell is this guy that is the second time he has attack only this time Derek as the one attack) I thought as I see Sasha walking over to me but I also see an angry Becky following behind her.

"Hey Sasha, Becky everything ok" I say before Becky gave me a hard slap to the face which surprised Sasha as I held my face. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TELLING MY BOYFRIEND TO DUMP ME" Becky shouted as I look at Seth in the background smiling. "Becky hold on let me explain" I tell her but she wouldn't listen before speaking. "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM US" Becky shouted before storming off leaving me with Sasha who had just as many questions.

"Why would you do that to Becky" Sasha asked hoping for an answer. "I told Seth to tell Becky the truth he has been having an affair with Carmella for a year but now he has made Becky mad at me" I tell Sasha who saw no sign of lying in my eyes as she looked over at Seth and Becky. "Then you did nothing wrong lets tell Becky the truth" Sasha says but I grab her hand to stop her walking over to them before looking back at me.

"No Seth needs to come clean I don't want to cause any shame on Becky because of him" I told Sasha who simply nods before I head into the locker room to change. "Jeez everything is going from great to just shit first the mystery attacker and then Becky could things get any worse" I tell myself before seeing my phone go off only for me to see it was my mother. "Hey mom what's up" I say with a smile on my face before she tells me some news and suddenly that smile fades away.

"Yeah don't worry I'll be there tomorrow take care mom" I say before ending the call and gather up my clothes before informing Hunter of my situation and leave the arena. As I'm riding on the road towards my parents house I look at a picture of me when I was little and my grandad as tears start forming in my eyes as I pull over and just take a breather before resuming my drive.

The Next Day

I had been driving for six hours before arriving at my parents but as I arrived last night my mom came out to meet me and holds me in her arms as she let out some tears with my dad soon joining us but as I was going to sleep the pain became too much as I began to cry myself to sleep but today I move on with my life as I walk out my room and to a room just down the hall and open the door. "Hey grandad" I say as I walk over and sit next to him as I see him make a weak smile before I take hold of his hand. "You have really grown since I last saw you" my grandad says as he takes his hand and reached into his table and pulled out an old photo of him and grandma.

"I met your grandma when we were both young and little naughty haha" grandad says with a little chuckle at the end as I smile at his joke before seeing him pull out a box. "When I was your age my grandad gave me this and he told me if you dream big then work just as hard and now I pass it on to you" grandad told me as he hands me a gold chain with a flower in a flame before I place it around my neck and hold his hand as he lays back a little. "Grandad I love you so much" I tell him as he noticed the tears begin to form in my eyes and starts wiping them away.

"Don't be sad and remember these words yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift that's why it's called the present promise me [Fn] promise me you will continue to move forward" my grandad says as I look at him a little unsure but shake it away. "I will try" I say as he smiled and we listen to the birds chirping and the soft breeze flowing around the room. "My time has come you must continue your journey without me" my grandad says as I watch him slowly close his eyes and I let my tears fall as his eyes closed for the last time.

After that we bury him next to grandma before I take a little time to comfort my parents who wanted me to stay but as my grandad said I need keep moving forward as I begin a long drive to the next location of RAW.

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