Four Paths One Beginning

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In the last chapter we discovered that Derek, Tony, you and someone called Harry have a past that divided the four of you.

To you

I was doing some bench pressing before placing the bar back and sit up wiping the sweat off my forehead as I notice Becky doing some stretching as she looked over at me and I walk over to her. "You ok" Becky asked as I do a little stretch as I smile at her. "Yeah what about you and Seth also don't you hate me or was that a lie" I say as I noticed her little embarressed face at the reminder of how she slapped me.

"Sorry I lost my temper" Becky said as I stop and look at her as she did the same. "Becky I'm not trying to cause you any problems but you need to know the truth Seth has been having an affair with Carmella for a year" I tell her and I could tell she was having a hard time believing me as she looked at me a little confused. "You need to stop lying [Fn]" Becky says as I could tell she was on the edge of crying.

"I'm not lying Becky please believe me I wouldn't lie about this" I say as she just looked at me. "I can't trust you [Fn] not when I've been with Seth for three years" Becky says before walking away leaving me to my thoughts but I soon head back to my room to watch a movie. As you were laying on your bed watching spider-man far from home a knock at your door caught your attention as you paused the movie and answer the door only to see a crying Becky who you quickly bring inside to talk.

"Becky what's wrong" I asked as she wipes the tears away. "After I left the gym I went back to my room and asked Seth if it was true hoping it wasn't but he couldn't answer me I then knew it was true so I broke up with him but I can't even look at him so I came here" Becky told me as I sat on a chair that I placed in front of her. "I'm truely sorry Becky it's just when I look at you I thought to myself she is so nice and kind but for Seth to lie like he did I just couldn't let it stand but you are a strong person so I know you will get through this" I say with a warm smile which made Becky too as she notice the mask poking out of my bag.

"What's with the mask" Becky asked as I look over and soon go to pick it up and show it to her with a sad look on my face. "It something from a bad part of my past one I wish I could take back" I tell has I place it on the table and look at Becky as I tell her my story.

[Fn]'s Past

I was about 20 years old at the time but me and my friends decided to go to japan for a little fun I mainly went because I absoluted love manga. "[Fn] come on stop geeking out" ??? a man said as I looked at him and smile at my own fanboy attitude. "Ok ok jeez lighten up a little Harry" I said as Harry just rolled his eyes before we walk out of the airport.

"What took you guys so long me and Tony have been wait forever" Derek says as I give him a fist bump before heading to our hotel Derek and Tony were in one room while me and Harry were in another. "Isn't this awsome I mean we are in japan land of the rising sun and also the birth place of wwe Shinsuke Nakamura not to mention sweet manga" I say with a grin on my face which made Harry smile too. "Yeah but don't forget we came here to get experience in wrestling ready for wwe" Harry says as I just smile at his dream which I know he will achieve.

"Yeah and I have our team name" I say as Harry just raised an eyebrow at me. "Hit me with it" Harry said as I just smile at the team name. "We will call ourselves the four horsemen" I said but Harry just sighs as I watch him go back to packing.

"That name is taken" Harry said as I keep giving names only for them to already be taken as Tony and Derek came to our room for a little party. "You know what we should have a good team name" Tony said looking a little drunk but still sober enough. "True but so far I've had shit luck with names" I say as Harry takes a sip of some his beer.

"We are new to this so we shouldn't force the name" Derek said as I suddenly got an idea. "I have it" I say as the others look at me and I smile. "Lets call ourselves the New Age Empire" I told them as they all smile before we put our hands together like how the sheild did back in the day before going to get some sleep.

The Next Day

I wake up to see Harry watching some wwe on the wwe network before going to bathroom to was up after which we head out to the arena to begin our careers in professional wrestling. "Ok guys let show these wrestlers the might of New Age Empire" Harry said as we follow him inside and sign up I could tell this was going to be a whole new feeling from the last time since the people here looked tough but I was soon slammed back to reality by a voice. "So you wish to try and join us in professional wrestling then you prove yourself to me" ??? the voice said as I turn round and see one of my top ten favourite wrestlers Shinsuke Nakamura.

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