Catching The Past

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After a long drive to the next location of RAW you met up with Derek and informed him that you were going to be going solo until this mystery attack is dealt with. As you prepare for your first promo many things keep going through your mind was Seth still lying, who is this mystery attack and why target you all of this was going to be answered.

You enter the ring and grab a microphone looking at the crowd and smile. "Now most of you have already seen but two times now I or my tag partner Derek has been attacked by this mystery man but no more so I am giving the attack a free invite to step in the ring and face me face to face" I said as I see the attacker walking towards the barrier before jumping over and stepping next to the ring as he was given a microphone. "So tell me why have you been attacking me" I asked as he looked at me and slowly raised his microphone.

"To show the world that your don't belong here but most of all to give my friends the justice but let me bring the rest of my crew" he says as 3 more masked men jump the barrier surrounding the ring as I look back at him. "We are your end" he said as they all jump on to the apron before retreating as Derek came running down to the ring and stands next to you while holding a chair ready for their attack. "You see no matter how many times you attack we will always stand tall" I say before feeling cold steel hit my back as I look to see Derek drop the chair and grab me and powerbombing me to the mat as the mask group get in the ring and stand next to Derek.

"You know the old saying right the enemy of my enemy is my friend look at you now laying on the floor finally getting what you deserve we are the end, we are destruction we are Ragnarok" he said as they leave you laying the ring before Hunter came out with medics who help you back stage with other superstars giving you worried looks. After a couple minutes you were allowed to leave but the attack will cause you to be out of action for at least a week as you were driving I soon found my car spinning and glass shattering before it finally rolled over and lands on it's roof. I carefully pull myself out of the wreckage holding my ribs in pain as the cuts on my head and body bleed as I look over at the direction of the car that hit me and see the same group from earlier walking over to me lead by Derek who crouched next to me.

"[Fn] look at you didn't I tell you that your need for speed would only to a crashing halt" Derek says as I struggle to catch my breath before he stands up and starts walking away with his crew but looked at me again for a second. "Listen just quit and all this pain will stop if you had maybe Harry would be here" Derek told me as the rain begins to fall before he and his crew drive off leaving me on the ground in pain. As the rain fell soaking my clothes and washing the blood off my face as I notice a set of headlights shining me as I see two people get out the car as I start to lose consciousness but what I heard was a male voice and a female voice as I feel them lift me into the car before driving off.

2 Hours Late
I wake up and found myself in a hospital as I look round a sudden shot of pain as I lift my hand to my forehead only to feel it's wrapped in some badages before I noticed Becky and Finn walking into room with the doctor. "Ah good to see you awake Mr. [Ln] I must say you were incredibly lucky but after a quick examination I can say you'll be ok in about a week" the doctor says as Becky and Finn help me out of the hospital and inform me that Hunter has told them to watch over me to make sure I am not attacked again.

As we left the hospital I got in the backseat of Finn's car and looked out the window as we began heading back to the hotel but the only thing on my mind was what Derek said showing that he still blames me for Harry before reaching the hotel as some other superstars helped me inside. "Thanks everyone but you don't need to worry about me" I tell them as I walk towards the elevator as they watch me enter but as the doors began to close I could see the worry on Becky's face but shook it off. As I was walking to my room the memories of last night flash in my mind and with everyone the feelings of anger and sadness washed over me like a tidal wave but once I get into my room and go for my bag and open it up to pull out a mask with the kanji for demon carved into the forehead as a sudden knock came before I go and open the door to see Tony as he walks in but not before seeing the mask.

"So the past is catching up to us huh" Tony said as I just keep looking at the mask before looking out the window as the sun slowly begins to rise. "I should of known nothing would ever be ok after what happened to Harry" I tell Tony as he sighs but I could tell he was worrying about me. "[Fn] listen Derek, me, Harry and you were young back then none of could of known what was going to happen but you blaming yourself is not the answer" Tony told me but I just couldn't face him not with thing as they are between me and Derek.

"Derek wants me to quit and maybe he's right my hands are covered in blood and if it wasn't for me Derek wouldn't of been in jail for 3 years" I said as Tony and I stood in silence before Tony left but not before speaking. "Just remember dude we are all to blame not just you" Tony says as I look at him and watch the door close before turning back to the window.

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