The return

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After 3 month of laying in bed I found myself a little bored so I asked Beck if she would help me to NXT and she agreed as long as I stay out of the action. "So how is Seth doing" I asked making a little conversation between us while we head to the arena. "He's doing well actually he has a title match at Fast Lane" Becky tells me as a smile appears on my face before we arrive with Becky.

"Hey [Fn] how you feeling" Finn asked as I shake his hand and smile. "I'm good " I tell him before we all sat down I had a couple superstars come and welcome me back. As I sat listening to the tv before I hear Seth's voice coming from down the hall but what seemed strange was the fact that I could hear another woman speaking to him so I move a little closer and I'm soon shocked at what I hear.

"Seth your such a bad boy" the woman say it what sounded like was a flirting tone as I keep listening as Seth soon spoke. "Listen Carmella we started this a year ago and I want to go public with our relationship ok" Seth says as a mixture of shock and anger built up inside me before I walk away not wanting to make a scene but after what I just heard Seth was going to pay. After the show Seth was on his way to his car before I spin him around and push him against the car as I held him by the collar.

"[Fn] what the hell" Seth said as I keep holding him while he tried to make me lose my grip but he soon noticed my face full of anger. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" I shout before punch Seth in the face while holding him up against the car. "You have been lying to Becky for a whole year she I may not of known her long but she has been nothing but kind to me and I can tell she loves you but you do this" I say as Seth goes wide eyed as he realized what I meant.

"Look people fall out it's not uncommon I just found someone better ok" Seth says before I punch again but this time blood came from his nose. "I'm not stupid I know that but what has me pissed is the fact you never told her but that ends today got it" I tell him as I allow Seth to fall down to the ground before walking away but stop and look over my shoulder at him. "Even if you have lost the love you once had Becky deserves the truth so give her that" I told him before walking away as I made my way back to the hotel I noticed couples and it made me angry at how Seth betrayed Becky but cool off before reaching the hotel.

In the hotel room

I was packing my things so I could travel to the next NXT location while Becky sat on her bed doing the same. "Becky is Seth going to be coming back soon" I asked but she only looked confused as she sat on her bed. "No he said that he had to discuss something with Hunter" Becky told me as I knew what he was doing I wanted to tell her but it wasn't my place so I left hoping Seth would come by after I was gone but he never did

As I was driving listening to MKELLS - smoke and drive all I could think about was how Seth broke Becky's trust and yet he never even had the balls to confess the truth but as I turned into the car park of NXT I saw Hunter waiting to see me. "Hunter is everything ok" I asked a little unsure of why he was waiting for me before he told me I had a match against Braun Strowman as Seth told him I wanted to make my return a big match. I get to the locker room and begin changing before I hear the door open only to see Seth walk in smiling away as if he had just won the lottery but I don't let it get to me as I head out to the ring hyping up the crowd before Braun enters the ring as our match starts.

I make a quick dropkick to Braun but it had very little effect as he placed his hands on my shoulders and tossed me across the ring like a ragdoll. As I get back to my feet I'm soon grabbed by Braun as he pressed me up against the corner and slaps my chest harder causing me to jump from the impact as I held my chest in pain before rolling out the ring to hopefully catch my breath before turning round only to have Braun run through me like a freight train as I'm sent crashing into ground. Strowman tossed me back into the ring and I struggle to stand up but manage to stand as Strowman takes me up on his shoulder before performing his running powerslam and goes for the pin but at the count of 2 I kick out to everyones surprise.

I manage to stand up as Braun gets ready to rush me as I use the corner to hold myself up before seeing Strowman run at me full force but at the last minute I slide out the way allowing Strowman to crash into the corner with such force the impact caused the top turnbuckle to snap off as I make a running dropkick to Braun's leg taking the big man down as I go to the corn and line up my shot before giving Strowman a running knee but Strowman starts to get back to his feet but I take advantage and deliver a spear taking him to the mat as I go for the pin. As he referee counts 3 I am soon greeted by the sound of my theme song plus the screams of a cheering crowd as I stand up I soon notice Braun getting back to his feet before looking me in the eyes I expected to get a punch to the face but instead he held his hand out before I shake his hand in a show of respect before he raised my arm.

After getting backstage I quickly go to get changed but not before getting a shoot of pain coming from my ribs as I exit the locker room I see Seth not looking happy as I walk away before I look back to see Becky give Seth a kiss which I knew meant he hadn't told her and it pissed me off.

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