The Trial

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After 3 weeks of waiting I finally got a court date which I was taken too to prepare for my trial but as I step out and walk towards the court house I hear people saying murderer, he's guilty and demon before entering the court room where I see Becky, Finn, Tony, my parents, Harry's parents and his sister as I walk in before standing next to Nico.

"You ready" Nico asked as I nod and sat down as I place my hands on the table before the judge enters which just so happen to Mark Jackson. "We may now proceed the trial of one [Fn] [Ln] the state may now make their case" Mark says as I notice the lawyer was Jolyne Joestar. "Thank you your honor as a person of the law I speak on behalf of all the people that this man is a danger to our society" Jolyne said as she steps forward to speak to the jury before picking up some papers.

"I have here is a complete record of Mr [Ln]'s history and if you look close that the man sitting before this court is not only guilty of murder but also of assult" Jolyne says as Nico and I look at the copies she gave us which showed I had anger issues. "Objection all this proves is that my client had suffered with anger issues but it also states that he recieved anger management" Nico said as the judge agreed that the information was correct so the case continues. "I would like to present this video of the night in question however we have no audio only the picture" Jolyne says as she pulls up the security camera footage showing me shooting Nick as most of the court began to whisper.

"Defendant do you have anything to add if not I will close the case" the judge says as Nico stood and walked over to the screen. "Now as you can all see that is indeed my client in the video however with out the audio can we prove he actually fired a gun or even killed this man I say we can not" Nico said as everyone listened close to her. "Now I asked my client if he had the shirt he wore the night in question which I had looked over and do you know what they found on that shirt" Nico says as he pulled the reports from her brief case and hands them to the jury.

"It states that on my clients shirt was traces of blood however this blood was from my client who had been shot before he confronted Mr Wild in the Pirates Boot that night it also states that no gun powder residue was anywhere on the shirt" Nico says as I smile that she had shots to fire as I notice Jolyne stand up. "Objection how do we know he didn't clean it off after all I doubt he what keep a stained shirt" Jolyne said as everyone looked at Nico. "I agree on that he would of cleaned it however even if he had cleaned it a slight burn would of been found but nothing was which leads me to a new line of thinking or maybe a theory" Nico told them as I watch her work.

"Lets say a gun was fired but not by my client but by the true killer in the hopes of framing my client" Nico states as she looked at the jury. "My client informed me of the deal he had with Mr Wild to pay back 200,000,000 yen in exchange no harm would to is friends sister but soon things changed which caused Mr Wild to take the life of Mr Harry Oak" Nico says as I nod to inform her to carry on as I knew it needed to be said. "However I must ask the jury this question why such a high amount but I believe the answer is simple because I believe Mr Derek Willson Made bets that failed as a result set all of this in motion" Nico says as I hold back my anger as I had came to that same conclusion.

"Objection what proof do you have to back up this claim" Jolyne asked as I watch Nico grab another set of papers. "These documents are the bank statement of Mr Derek Willson as you can see on the following date before my clients talk with Mr Wild it shows 200,000,000 taken from his bank and sent to Mr Wild's" Nico says as everyone was surprised by this as I noticed the judge looking nervous. "So Mrs Robin is that all because if so I'm afraid it will not stand as this is a trial about your client not his friend money" the judge says as I knew he was trying to cover up the truth.

"Actually no we still one more piece of information" Nico says as she was allowed to continue. "Now then ladies and gentlemen of the jury is it not our objective to seek truth and justice if so can anyone tell me how a man who had commit so many crimes was able to avoid justice over and over again" Nico says as the jury begins to chat between themselves as Nico shows them copies of Nick's criminal record. "Objection this is slander of a dead man who isn't even here to defend himself" Jolyne said as the judge was about to stop her but Nico was quick to counter.

"So you a defender of the law would claim I gave false information when it states in black and white of his crimes not just that but yet he is released because of lack of evidence allowing him to go unpunished for his crimes does that not seem strange" Nico says as I see the judge begin to sweat as the jury go to determine a verdict allowing me to breath easy. The time slowly ticked away as I looked at my family and Harry's family before the jury return with their verdict. "Has the jury reach a verdict" the judge asked as I wait and hope.

"We have your honor we the jury find the defendant [Fn] [Ln] not guilty" the jury says as I look at them happy for it to be over as I was set free and quickly hugged everyone even Harry's family who all thanked me for getting justice for Harry as Becky kissed me and we all leave the court house. After a quick drive to the hotel I started looking for a new job but with very little luck until I got an offer that would change things for the better I even asked Becky if she would come with me to my new job and she agreed things would soon shake up big time.

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