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In the last chapter we had made a deal with a man called Nick that in exchange for 200,000,000 yen no harm would come to Penny who is Harry's sister but it meant you had to screw your team out of victory.

To you at the underground fights

I was currently in a full on fight against a tall dude called Big Bobby and his size was no joke if I had to guess he was most like as tall as the Big Show. "Come on little man Big Bobby needs some action" he said as I jump up and begin to hit him in the face with knee stikes as blood begins to pour from his nose but he soon grabbed me and slammed me to the ground as I hear something crack from the impact. "Haha look at puny man" he says before picking me up by the back of my head before throwing me into the cage causing me even more pain but I use the cage wall to stand up and look at Big Bobby.

"Come at me you big asshole" I say as he looked me a little angry and rushed at me full speed but I slip past him as he slammed his head into the cage before I jump on his back and lock it a choke hold as tight as I can he struggled but I managed to choke him out winning the fight before walking out and pass Nick who smiled at my win before walking next to me. "Well done kid got to say with that your going to make great progress in our agreement after all in one week you managed to earn my employer 60,000,000 yen no small feet which leave only 140,000,000 yen to go" Nick told me as I got in my car and drive back to the hotel but as I got to my room I noticed Harry was not there. "He must off gone out with the other" I tell myself as I hold my side and walk into the bathroom to wash up but as I lift my shirt I noticed a large bruise before walking out but as I did the door suddenly opens and I see Harry at the door.

"Hey Harry I finished up in the bathroom" I tell him with a smile as I make sure he doesn't notice my bruise but I'm soon stopped by his words. "[Fn] your being dropped from the team" Harry says as I look at him a little shocked and confused. "Hold on what for" I asked trying to keep my cool as I had a feeling about why but it was still a shock.

"It's because your costing us our chance at being noticed by WWE at first I thought it was and accident but lately you've been doing it on purpose so tell me why or leave" Harry said as I look at him turning to face him as he noticed my bruise. "I haven't got a choice and believe me I want to tell you but I just can't" I tell him as I watch him walk out the room and head over to Tony and Derek's room leaving me to sit in darkness of the room. As I look at myself in the mirror the memories of how me and Penny were but I soon feel anger build up as I get dressed and leave before looking back but continue to make my way out the hotel.

As I was driving down the road all I could think about was how much of an idiot I was not telling Harry about my side job and how it effects his sister Penny before pulling up at a bar which Nick owns and make my way inside. "Well well if this isn't a surprise come and have a drink with me" Nick said as I sat in front of him as he takes a sip of his drink. "Nick I want to end this debt tonight" I tell him as he looked a little surprised before placing his drink down.

"Ok but you should know the next three matches are dangerous and could kill you" Nick said and I could tell he was trying to change my mind. "I don't care Harry is like a brother to me and Penny she was more than that but right now keeping them safe is my only focus" I tell him as he smiled before handing me a piece of paper before the door opens and I look to see Harry standing at the door. "So this is why you've been throwing matches because of this asshole" Harry said and he was clearly full of anger as he walked over to us.

"Harry why are you here" I asked a little shocked and worried at Harry suddenly showing up like he did. "I was thinking about what you said and I noticed you leave so I followed you here and listened to the whole thing" Harry tells me as Nick just watched on at our little conversation. "Harry listen you don't need to worry ok I'm dealing with it" I say with a smile but Harry never stopped looking at Nick.

"YOU THINK PUTTING YOURSELF IN THESE MATCH IS GOING TO HELP LOOK AT YOU [FN] YOUR BEATEN UP SUFFERING BECAUSE OF HIM" Harry shouts as he slammed his hands on the table. "Harry what I'm doing is to protect Penny if I can do that my health is a small price to pay" I tell him as Harry looked at me and grabs my collar. "SMALL PRICE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT PENNY LOVES YOU EVEN AFTER YOUR BREAK UP AND LIKE YOU SAID YOUR LIKE A BROTHER TO ME SO DON'T EVER SAY IT'S A SMALL PRICE TO PAY AGAIN" Harry shouts as I could tell he was angry.

"Harry I get your angry but it's all good I'm only another 140,000,000 yen away from clearing this so please just go back to the hotel" I tell him as he left the bar and I sat down in front of Nick. "Sorry about that" I say as Nick just slides me the location of the big time fights before leaving as Nick picks up his phone. "Yeah boss it's Nick we have a little problem should I take care of it ok" Nick says ends the call and smiled before leaving his bar.

As me and Harry made our way back to the hotel a conversation starts. "So you have been throwing matches to pay this group money that we cost them by winning but why didn't you tell us" Harry asked as I just focus on the road. "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to give up your dream not to mention if I told you and then you told Penny she may of got hurt" I told him as we continued to drive before a set of head lights comes crashing into us flipping the car as shattered glass flies everywhere before stopping and we crawl out of the wreckage and lay on the floor as blood ran down my head as my vision goes a little fuzzy.

"Harry" I say in a weak tone as I see someone raise their hand up and looked like they were holding something as I noticed a metal shine. "HARRY" I shouted as a loud bang was soon heard and the person begins to walk away but as I crawled over to Harry I noticed the person and knew it was. "Harry, Harry" I say as I check for a pulse only for there to be nothing as my tears fall and the rain soon followed as the noise drew a crowd soon followed by an ambulance but nothing could be done as I had to call Harry's parents which broke me even more as I was picked up by Derek and Tony who were just as much in pain as I was.

After getting back to the hotel I walk into my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror as intense amount of rage builds and I punch the mirror breaking it as I walk out where Derek and Tony were waiting looking just as pissed after I told them everything.

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