The Warrior

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After weeks of waiting the last RAW before elemination chamber was tonight and I had big plans for it as Finn drives me and Becky to he arena so my plan could be set in motion.

As we arrive I noticed most of the superstars looking at me but I could tell they were only looking at the patch over my eye as I prepare for my promo. "Babe can you tell me what you have planned" Becky asked but I could only smile before kissing her cheek causing her to blush. "Trust me I am going to put Vince in his place once and for all" I tell her as I walk towards the entrance to the arena and wait until my name was called allowing me to walk out as thousands of fan scream as I make my way to the ring.

As I grab a microphone I look out at the fans and feel a smile on my face before taking a deep breath as I knew the risks of my action. "It feels really good to be back in this ring and as you can all see I have had an accident that has left me blind in my right eye permanently however as a champion I have a duty to perform for you amazing fans" I say as I pause for a second so I could hear the roar of the crowd. "But one person doesn't see that and instead wants me out of action completely and that person is Vince Mcmahon" I said before Vince's music hits and I watch him walk out to the ring not happy about my statement.

"First off I have no hate of you but I do have an issue with my companies title being held by another company which is why I am asking you to hand it over" Vince says as I hold my title in my hands and smile before looking Vince in the eyes. "No chance in hell I won this fair and square but I tell you what lets make a bet what you say" I say as Vince was confused at my request. "What you have in mind" Vince asked as I smile at my idea was on track.

"Simple elemination chamber you join the match and take the chance to win this title from me and should you or any of the other superstars can defeat me not only do you get the title but I will retire from professional wrestling" I say and noticed the smile on Vince's face as he got a little closer. "Your on deal accepted" Vince says as he leaves the ring and begins to walk away until I stop him. "Vince you should of listened completely because you just accepted a match wher if you win I retire but I win and you retire with all control being given to Hunter, Stephanie and Shane so see you at elemination chamber bitch" I say with a huge smile on my face as I saw the look of fear on Vince's face and I walk back stage as the show would continue.

As I watched Becky fight Sasha I soon noticed that Derek walking towards me which made me stand up. "You should really back down old friend" Derek tells me but I refuse to listen and hold my ground as I get in his face. "I don't know what your problem with me is but it stops now" I told him as many other backstage watched us as I start to walk away.

"So tell me has your little girlfriend got a price for a night of pleasure can't be a lot if she is sleeping with you" Derek said as I stop clenching my hand into a fist but hold back my anger. "Derek I'm only going to say this once keep Becky's name out of your mouth because the next thing you'll see is me angry and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry" I tell him as I get ready to walk away but he soon grabbed me by the collar and turns me to face him. "You think your so cool but let me tell you what your not I'm so much better everyone knows it so you listen to me you little bastard I'm the best so show me respect so you got something to say" Derek says as I smile which only made him even more pissed off as I grab hold of his wrist and squeeze it lightly forcing him to let go but I keep holding him.

"Look Derek you were my friend but after Harry died you changed but even now you keep doing the same little kids shit  and I have had enough" I tell Derek as I shove him away causing him to fall to the ground before I walk away with Becky and Seth. *You bastard I will make regret making me angry* Derek thought as we leave and after we arrive at the hotel we start talking about my action but in the end I made this choice because it was best for business. After that Becky said she had to go meet Bayley to do some shopping so I gave her quick kiss on the cheek as I watched her walk out the hotel but I would soon learn that it was a mistake.

1 hour later

I was doing a little writing which I did for a hobby before the phone rings causing me to stop and answer. "Hello" I say into the phone as a womman spoke and the voice belonged to Naomi. "[Fn] you need to get to the hospital quickly Becky was hit by a car please hurry" Naomi told me as I put the phone down and run out the room as fast as my legs could go not wasting any time.

As I arrive at the hospital I see Seth, Bayley, Naomi and Jimmy waiting for me as I look out of breath after running all the way their. "How is she" I asked a little worried as Naomi couldn't look at me and the silence only worried me even more. "Dude listen she is fine but you need to know something happened" Seth says but it looked like he was struggling to find the words.

"What happened" I asked a little worried and confused as Naomi could only run up and hold me in a hug which confused me even more as Seth told me and in that moment it felt as if the world had stopped moving as tear fall from my eyes.

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