Old Friend New Team

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After I made a return to in ring action I found myself facing all kinds of talented superstars such as Samoa Joe, Drew Mcintyre and Finn Balor but I only had a single person on my mind and that was Becky as she told me she and Seth have been discussing marriage right now I was sat in the locker room getting ready for my match against Rusev.

"Hey good luck out there dude" Finn says as I fist bump him before heading out towards the ring as I entered the ring waited for Rusev to enter as we stood ready to fight as the bell rings. Rusev makes a quick rush at me but I dodge him and quickly grab his waist and german suplex him before picking him up and tossing him out of the ring as I watch him get back to his feet I run at the ropes and deliver a suicide dive crashing him into the barricade before tossing him into the ring but as I was about to re-enter the ring I feel someone attack me from behind as the referee calls for the bell but the attacker made a quick escape by hopping over the barricade. After I was helped back stage I was checked over by the doctors and was medically clear for next week but they never caught the attacker as I walk to my car before my phone goes off.

On the Phone

"Hello" I asked.

"Hey dude it's Tony" Tony says.

"Hey Tony what's up" I asked.

"Nothing is wrong I just wanted to let you know Derek is trying out for WWE" Tony said.

"Hold on Derek Willson isn't he meant to be in prison" I say with a little confusion in my voice.

"Yeah I know but he was allowed parole for good behaviour" Tony said with a little doubt in his voice.

"You have got to be kidding me he beat a man close to death for scratching his car" I said.

"I know but from what I heard he's changed been going to anger management and to be honest I think we should meet up tomorrow just the 3 of us like old times" Tony says as he heard me sigh.

"Ok how about we meet him arcade down from the my hotel" I say as me and Tony say our goodbyes.

Phone call ends

As I got in my car I see Becky and Seth getting in their car and leave for the hotel but I just wanted to get some sleep and left but not before seeing Seth a smirk on his face. "Seth is real scum to lie to Becky" I told myself as I pull into the hotel car park and walk to my hotel room.

The Man and The DemonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon