Losing Sight

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After a couple of hours I wake up and the steet was completely dark as I use the wall to stand up and walk towards my car while holding my ribs. "Jeez this hurts" I told myself as I get in my car and notice my phone had missed calls from Becky as I call her back and find out she was at the hotel with Finn, Sasha and Becky before driving there. *Seth is this about our title match or about something else* I thought as rain begins to fall before I arrive at the hotel parking my car I slowly walk to the door holding my ribs as to not cause me too much pain getting soaked in the process.

As I enter through the door Becky turns and sees me soaking wet with blood running down my head as I fall to the ground. "[FN]" Becky shouts as she ran over to me and turns me over so my head was resting on her lap. "Sorry to make you worry I'm fine" I told her a little weak from my beating but also the cold as I go to stand up however I'm a little shaky but I managed to stand up before walking towards the elevator as Becky, Finn and Sasha follow and we head up to our rooms.

"Dude you should go to the hospital" Finn says as I smile and walk with him to a nearby ice machine while Sasha stays with Becky in our room. "Finn listen I can't go to a hospital because Vince wants this he wants me out of action so he can vacate my title I know he is behind this because I was attacked by Seth and Derek" I told him as we sat in the hall as I place an ice pack on my head. "Listen dude I know it seems hard but your not helping your health by doing this and what about Becky do you think she wants to see you destroy yourself over a title" Finn says but I was angry not at him but at his thinking before I snapped.

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT A STUPID TITLE" I shouted making Finn jump a little even though I have shouted before I never just snapped like I did just now. "Vince could take his title for all I care but Seth is a different matter I don't think he attacked me because of the title I think it's about Becky" I told Finn as he sat against the wall thinking about how it would make sense. "I see so that is why your refusing a trip to the hospital it's so you can watch her" Finn says as I smile and nod I reach into my pocket and show Finn what I bought before our meeting.

"So she is that important to you" Finn asked as I nod before putting the item back in my pocket. "I just feel like Seth will try something if I don't stay" I told Finn as we both hear the sound of footstep and see Seth and Derek walking towards us. "Seth, Derek why are you both here" I asked as Finn helps me stand up but we are both soon tackled some of the other member of Derek's team who hold me on my knees while Finn his face down to the floor.

"Well we want 2 things from you first for you to quit and vacate the title so Seth can win and second give us Becky after all she is Seth's woman" Derek says with an evil smile on his face but I spit on his face before he punched me in the face. "I won't do any of them and also Becky is a person not a thing you can own so is that it Seth is she a person or a thing to you" I asked as Derek punched me again but I could tell Seth wasn't happy about Becky being called a thing. "Seth tell me the truth why did you cheat on Becky" I asked as I saw him stop Derek from hitting me and looked me in the eyes.

"The truth is I just fell out of love for Becky but I did want to tell her but everytime we talked she would just tell me how she was so happy and before long it had become to hard to tell her but after we broke up the love I once had came back" Seth tells me and I see he was not lying before Derek steps holding a bottle in his hand which Seth was not sure was in it. "Derek what is that" Seth asked as he looked concerned about Derek's action as he opens the bottle. "It's just something to see things clearer" Derek says as I look at him and he tossed the liquid in the bottle at my face as it lands on my right side and soon the right side of my face was burning as I began to scream in pain as I was let go allowing me to hold my face but still scream.

"DEREK WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO" Seth shouts as Derek and his crew leave but Seth stays and rushed over to me with Finn to check on me as some of the other guests come out to check what was going on Becky and Sasha quickly came running. "QUICK SOMEONE CALL FOR AN AMBULANCE" Seth shout as another guest quickly calls for an ambulance which was there quickly and I was take to hospital.

While I was in surgery Seth explained what had happened to Becky who was angry that he had even followed Derek like he did but she knew he had no idea about this from what he told her before the doctor came out. "Doc how is he" Finn asked as the doctor rubs his glasses. "Your friend will be fine however from what we can tell he was hit by some acid we managed to fix some of the damage but I'm afraid his right eye was beyond repair as he will now be blind in his right side you can go see him if you like" the doctor told them as he shows them to my room before they enter and see me laying in the hospital bed with bandages across my right eye.

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