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It had been a couple weeks since you won your match against Derek not only getting AEW the first win but also a shot at the WWE universal title which is held by Roman Reigns but in these weeks AEW has been gaining win after win.

Cody beat Aj Styles in a steel cage match, Becky was victorious against Alexa Bliss, Keth Lee got a win over Samoa Joe, Cm Punk and you picked up the win against The Usos in a tables match and this soon lead to you standing face to face with Roman as the tension between you both grew because at WWE Fastlane your match with Roman would be the main event.

To you

Right now you would been the gym sparring ready for your match but you were actually in your room having a quick sparring session with Becky which had just come to an end. "I really do love you Becky" I say with sweat covering my body as I turn and look at her and she looks at me with those beautiful eyes. "So you ready for tonight after all it's your first title match" Becky asked as I push her hair from her eyes and smile.

"Yeah because I know you'll be there my little firecracker" I tell her as we both get up, shower and get dressed before heading to the arena for WWE Fastlane. *Lets see who is the best Roman* I thought as me and Becky drive to the arena but as we arrive I see both AEW and WWE superstars waiting as I am soon seen by Roman who walked over to me as I look him in the eyes. "Good luck out there but remember you will lose because I'm the head of the table" Roman says as I watch him walk away ready for to night but I am just happy to finally get a chance to put this big dog down.

As the night went on AEW was doing good but WWE managed to gain a couple of wins Alexa Bliss managed to gain the win over Becky after Sasha distracted her, Samoa Joe choked out Keth Lee before his match causing the match to be a no contest, The Usos pick up the win agains Cody and Dusty but Cm Punk put in the work by beating Drew McIntyre as my match was about to begin.

As I enter the ring I watch Roman act all cocky holding the title in his hands but I ignore it and focus on one thing victory as the bell rings.

I quickly rush at Roman and back him into the corner and unload with a flurry of punches before backing up go for a running drop kick which stuns Roman allowing me to do it again as he falls out the corner. As I lean against the corner and watch Roman stand up I wait until he is facing me and I go for my signiture which drops him to the mat before I go for a cover. 1...2... but Roman kicks out and start picking him up until I have him in a firemans carry position and toss him over the top rope and down to the floor before I wait for him to get up and go for a suicide dive but Roman counters with a quick uppercut causing me to hand on the rope as Roman quickly used this to perform his drive-by drop kick as I'm knocked into the ring.

Roman gets in the ring and picks me up before slapping me across the face followed by me getting tossed into the ropes only to rebound into a superman punch followed by a cover. 1...2... however just like Roman I kick out and roll over to the ropes as Roman helps me up and throws me into the corner before following up with a clothesline which caused me to bounce into the corner as Roman rebounds off the rope with a superman punch but he goes to the corner and taunts me as I get to my feet and turn round I'm hit with a powerful spear as Roman goes for a pin. 1...2... but I kick out shocking everyone as Roman gets me up and tossed me into the ropes causing me to rebound but this time I duck under Roman's superman punch and rebound again into my own superman punch as me and Roman are both on the mat as the lights go out.

After lights come back on I'm laying on the outside as Derek and his team stand there it was clear they attacked me during the black out but since the ref didn't see it he was unable to dq the match as I struggle to stand up but manage to as I hear the ref at a count of 6 before climbing back into the ring where I was quickly met with a second spear as Roman goes for a cover. 1...2... but I kick out again which shocked everyone because to me this was not just a match but it was a fight of pride and if I was going to lose I would lose the right way as I begin to stand up and look at Roman who was clearly not happy that Derek and his crew attacked me but he knew the match would need to go on as he ran at me but I get my knees up which knocks Roman back. I use this chance to grab Roman's leg and get him the ankle lock as I keep him the center of the ring not letting go as Derek and his crew jump up to the ring apron but am soon stopped by AEW stars coming down and forcing them into the crowd allowing me and Roman to fight a fair fight as I continue to hold him in the ankle lock.

I saw he was on the verge of tapping but he fights my hold grabs the rope forcing me to let go as I watch him stand up and he ran at me only this time I leap frog over him as he rebounds off the rope allowing me to hit him with a superkick dropping him to the mat as I go to the corner holding my ribs and taunt him to stand. After Roman got to his feet I run at him full force and hit him with my finisher and make a quick cover as the ref goes 1...2...3 and the match was over and I stand up as the announcer says it clear as day.

"YOUR AND NEW WWE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION [YRN]" the ring announcer shouts into his microphone as the whole of AEW come out to the ring clapping as I am soon caught off guard by Becky kissing your cheek but the party soon goes sour as Vince walks out. "No this match is a dq as it was clear that Derek and his crew got involved which means Roman is still the WWE universal champion so hand it over" Vince says as I notice Becky had the look of a person who was about to slap the shit out of his mouth but I stop her as I grab a microphone. "No Vince I won this fair and square but you know what I'm sick of your bullshit so how about you do us all a favour and retire because lets face it your running WWE into the ground" I tell him as he was angry at me refusing to give him my title.

"Look you son of a...." Vince didn't get to finish as I slap him causing to stumble into the ropes and hold his cheek. "SHUT YOUR BITCHING I'M THE NEW UNIVERSAL CHAMPION SO DEAL WITH IT" I shout as me and Becky get ready to leave but Vince soon crossed the line. "So I take it you Becky's bitch or is she your whore" Vince said as everyone stops and look at Vince but I stop and hand my title to Becky before running at Vince and start beating the shit out of him as other superstar start pulling me back but I soon calm down as Triple H and Stephanie come out and apologise as me and Becky leave.

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