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As I began to wake up from my sleep I look at the hopital window as the bright sun shines through Becky soon begins to wake up. "Hey lass kicker sleep well" I ask her as Becky looked at me while I gave her a smile as she began to cry. "Why are you crying although I must admit you look even cuter" I told her as she hugged me lightly as I soon hold her to give her comfort.

After that she informed me that Vince McMahon wants me fired but Triple H and Stephanie want me to simply be suspended until they have all the facts however they failed and as I watched Vince give his speech before doing his iconic line of "[Fn] [Ln] your FIRED" and that was that my career was down the drain. "So I'm no longer a member of WWE well I knew it was going to happen nothing more I can do" I say as Becky held my hand I smile before kissing it. "I'm glad I met you Becky" I told her as we noticed the door open followed by police walking inside.

"Mr [Ln] is it" a police officer asked as I nod and he take a small cough to clear his throat before looking me in the eyes. "[Fn] [Ln] I here by place you under arrest anything you say will be held against you a court of law if you don't have a lawyer one will be provided for you" the police officer says as I asked to stand up and allowed to put on my normal clothes before being handcuffed and lead out the hospital. On the way to the station I see many of the superstars I formerly worked with standing outside wishing me luck as I was soon put in a cell.

*So this is a prison cell it's a little more roomy than I thought* I thought to myself as I sat on the bed and just close my eyes to get some sleep. A month goes by and I have not had a court date yet however I was provided a lawyer as I refused to drag my parent into this mess and I was actually meeting him today. The officers lead me to the meeting room form my meeting with my lawyer who soon arrives looking like she just ran here.

"I'msorryIamlateyouseemyalarmbrokesoIoversleptbutIpromiseIwilldomybesttodefendyoupleasedon'treplaceme" she said so quick I just chuckled before telling her it was fine I could tell she was new in fact she looked also ike she has only just left law school. "So miss uh sorry I didn't get your name" I say as she placed her folder on the table and smiled at me as she shakes my hand. "My name is Nico Robin a pleasure to defend you sir" Nico says as I look at her confused.

"Hold on Nico Robin isn't she from that popular anime One Piece" I say as I see Nico chuckle nervously. "Yeah my parents are massive anime fans so when I was born they named me Nico Robin to be honest it's embarrassing" Nico said as I smile. "Well I think it suits you after all I can tell your a smart woman but tell why did you take my case" I asked as she looked at me before looking through her folder.

"Well you see after your case came to my company they all decided to refuse taking it on but I felt there was something more to this so I did a little digging and found out this Nick Wild actaully had a criminal record a mile long" Nico told me as she showed me a list of his crimes which actually surprised me. "20 murders, 12 attempted murders, 6 counts of blackmail, 8 counts of assault and 19 counts of rape" I say as I hand it back to Nico who explained that he would get caught however with lack of evidence he was let off. "Many believe that he had dirt on some of the cops and most likely had them hide evidence that would of got him locked up" Nico told me and all the evidence she had shown me at least made that a theory as I think it over.

"In that case could I ask you to help me expose them even if I lose the case I would like to at least know I managed to get some corruption out of the law" I asked as Nico nods before we look over some of the information Nico was able to gather from previous cases which Nick was involved in. "From the looks of it everytime Nick had a court date the judge was changed at the last minute" Nico told me as I look at that information and notice a set of names which kept coming up. "I am beginning to see the whole picture when he's caught everything is staged over and over" I say as Nico was getting the same picture with every name that keep repeating.

"Look like we have uncovered some of the people in those cases the judge Mark Jackson, his lawyer Jolyne Joestar and the police officer Dean Mcree well I best get going I'll be back tomorrow" Nico says as I watch her walk away as I do I notice out the corner of my eye a officer looking a little suspicious but I just act like I didn't notice. *I have a bad feeling about this and those officers something tells me my fight has started* I thought as I am taken back to my cell and sat on the bed. Days went by with no sign of Nico with my court date fast approaching all of this didn't sit right as I request my phone call and calm it was to speak to family out of worry that they might actually refuse since I was actually going to call my lawyer which I was granted after ringing I whisper to Nico that I will refer to her as mom but she would need to give me information fast.

"So mom how are you" I asked Nico told me about the officers telling her that I refused to see her but everytime she came back they made some excuse to keep us from talking which pissed me off but keep calm. "I see his dad hold up well" I say keeping my act together as Nico tells me she did a little digging and found that the officers that were holding me actually worked for Nick. "Thats good don't worry I am doing great" I say as Nico then told me about some of the medical records from my time in japan before telling me about a strange substance that was in my system when I came back and had a check up.

"I promise this will all blow over" I said as Nico gave me a theory which made me almost break my act but keep it together as I need to end the call. "I have to go mom speak to you soon" I say hanging up the phone and am soon lead back to my cell where my thoughts are let loose. *So someone drugged me but who and why but also when* I thought as I sat in on the bed in my cell.

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