I Am Vengeance

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It's been days since I suffered an attack at the hands of Derek I began to wake up however I could only see out of my left eye before gently place my right hand on my face and feel the bandages before I try to stand up but am in too much pain.

"This fucking sucks Becky must be worried I need to see her" I told myself as I force my body off the bed and place my feet on the cold hospital floor but as I stand up my legs give out and I fall to the ground. "Stupid legs we need to go find Becky" I tell myself again as I push myself off the floor as my body screams in pain but I keep pushing before I slowly move towards the door and exit before walking down the hall way towards the elevator but my body was giving out again but this time I managed to lean against the wall for support as I continue my slow walk with my vision a little fuzzy. *I need to make sure Becky is ok* I thought to myself as every step was filled with pain but I finally make it to the elevator and push as it arrives and I enter before taking it to the ground floor.

Back at your room

Seth, Becky and Finn were all on their way up to your room for the visit but as they arrive what they find is an empty bed before calling for a nurse who came and quickly calls for the doctor as everyone starts looking for you. "Where could he of gone" Finn asked himself as he was searching the floor for you but couldn't find any sign of you as Seth goes to the other floors while Becky was looking at your empty bed trying to think about what you would do as he eyes soon look towards the elevator and starts running for the stairs which Finn and Seth notice before following her. As they raced down the stairs you were standing in the elevator breathing heavy while holding your ribs as your back is pressed against the elevator wall.

"Must... see... Becky" I told myself as the elevator stops as the doors open and I walk out slowly making my way to the front door I was just about to exit the hospital before a voice stopped me. "[FN]" the voice says as I turn round slowly and see a blurry figure standing there after I focus a little my vision became a little clearer and I see the person who called my name it was Becky she was panting after running down them stairs with Finn and Seth right behind her. "Becky" I say as I turn my body and slowly walk towards her as she walked towards me I reach out for her but after I got within an inch of her I my body gave out and I fall into her arms as we fell to the floor and she was holding me tight with tears falling down her face.

"Why did you leave your room" Becky asked me through her tears as I look at her. "I needed to make sure you were ok" I tell her in my weak state as she held me a little tighter as her tear fall on my face. "You dummy put yourself first for once you got hurt losing the sight in your one eye and yet you still put me first" Becky said as I wipe her tear away and smile a weak smile.

"I put you first because you are my treasure and I love you" I tell her as doctors and nurses arrive and take me back to my room where I was checked over and after a couple hours regained some of my strength so I was able to be released as long as I take it easy for a few day but I was lucky since I would be healed in time elemination chamber. "I'm happy to see you and Seth are getting along again" I say as Becky looked at me as Seth looked back at us. "He explained it all but we are only trying to be friends he still has to earn my trust back" Becky says as I notice the sigh come from Seth but it was progress and I was happy.

"Seth what happened to Derek" I asked as I noticed the air in the car change as Finn, Becky and Seth all gave off a sense of anger. "Nothing but it turns out Vince actually gave him task of taking you out of elemination chamber by any means" Seth told me and even though Vince probably didn't mean this it was still a request from him and my anger grew before I smile. "Good" I say which confused everyone at my response to Seth.

"What is good" Finn asked as he continued to drive but was interested in my response to his question. "Good because now I have an excuse to kick his old ass" I said with an crafty smile on my face which made everyone nervous. "I'm beginning to think Vince might of woken a sleeping titan" Seth says as I give a little chuckle as we arrive at the hotel but I make a call to Triple H asking for a chance to appear on RAW which he agreed.

"All set the last RAW before elemination chamber Vince will get a finally get what's coming to him" I say as Becky helps me to walk since my legs were still a little weak from days of laying in a hospital bed. "You know a line from The Batman movie really fits me" I told them as they looked confused. "Which line" Finn asked as I smile and look at him with a huge smile on my face.

"I'm vengeance" I tell them before we head into the hotel where most of the people from AEW and WWE were waiting for us and helped me inside as I was left in our hotel room with Becky who was laying next to me which made me smile. "Good night my little spitfire" I whisper as I gave her a kiss on the forehead and slip off to sleep next to her.

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