A Demon Returns

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In the last chapter you got Vince to enter the elemination chamber where the loser would retire but things took a turn when Naomi rings you to inform you that Becky was in the hospital but what they told you next broke you.

3 days later

I was sat by Becky's hospital bed watching her in the hopes she would wake up and tell me that it wasn't true but deep down I knew they wouldn't lie but it had to be a lie. "Becky please wake please I need you" I say but no response as everyone watched me from the hall way. "He is hurt" Naomi says as silence filled the air but Bayley was the frst to speak as they just looked at me holding Becky's hand.

"I'm not surprised he just lost something that can never be replaced any man would be broken by that I just hope he will be ok" Bayley says as they soon see me stand up and leave the room and I walk towards the hospital doors with a look of vengeance on my face as Seth and Jimmy follow leaving Naomi and Bayley with Becky. A I drive towards the arena I couldn't stop thinking of how this was my fault I provoked Derek and Becky paid the price but I will make him pay for this as Jimmy and Seth follow behind me until we reach the arena and I hear Derek was heading to the ring which I make a quick exit to meet him out there. As I ran out I knocked him to the ground before climbing on top of him and punch him over and over but he soon pushed me off but I was only seeing red as I picked him up and tossed him into the barricade hard enough to knock it over but I didn't stop there as grab him at toss him into the ring many referees came out to stop me but I push them aside and climb into the ring to destroy Derek.

After I got in the ring I punched him over and over as his face began to bleed but I didn't stop but instead punched him harder and soon other superstars ran down to try and stop me but I refused to stop even as the pulled me away as I just break free and start punching him again. Seth and Jimmy grab me and pull me away I struggle to break free as they continue to hold me I was only focused on destroying Derek as I saw him struggle to even move as the memories of Harry flash into my mind before rushing him and punch the living shit out of him as every superstar attempts to ull me off him. "DEREK I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE" I scream as he is helped backstage while I'm held in the ring but I continue to struggle before I'm taken backstage by Seth and Jimmy as I'm take to Vince, Triple H, Stephanie and Shahid it was mainly to discuss what to do after my assult of Derek but Seth and Jimmy explained things but Vince was convinced that I was a danger to everyone in the elemination chamber.

"Vince I understand your point however all of this came down to stress not only has he had to go through a court trial but also multiple attacks at the hands of Derek who is under your employment and after the stunt he pulled to attack mrs Lynch just to get back at mr [Ln] is disappointing" Shahid said as I was looking at the floor. "I agree Shahid however he just assulted Derek beating him to what looked like near death as a company we must set an example" Triple H says as I listen. "However we must also acknowledge that we put him under this stress but what do you suggest we do" Stephanie said as I look at Vince and knew he was hoping for me to be fired.

"I suggest stripping him over the WWE universal title and also place him on a two months suspension" Shahid told them and they agreed which as Seth and Jimmy took me away from the arena as the WWE universe was informed of my title stripping and my removal from the elemination chamber match.

As I was driven away from the arena my mind was focused on one thing Becky as Seth and Jimmy take me to the hospital. "Dude listen I believe you had evey right to destroy Derek for what he's done" Seth said as I couldn't care less about that. "I let it out after years of holding it together but after I heard about Becky I snapped and I became that monster from years back just full of rage and yet I liked it" I told Seth as I begin to cry as we reached the hospital but I couldn't even move.

"Sometimes you need to cry dude so don't be afraid to let it out" Seth tells me as the flood gates open and I begin to cry as Seth leaves me in the car but never steps away and waits for me.

Seth's memory

Seth came running after Bayley phoned him about Becky as Naomi and Jimmy soon arrived as well and the doctor soon came out. "Excuse me doctor how is she" Seth asked as the doctor moved his glasses and rubs his eyes. "Well she was lucky but she should be fine however she suffered a hard hit and we couldn't save the other one" the doctor says as Seth was confused as far as he was aware Becky was the only one injuried until the doctor spoke.

"Are you not her boyfriend" the doctor asked as Seth shakes his head but would like to know so he could inform her actual boyfriend. "Mrs Lynch was with child but the hard force from the impact was too on the little one and it lost it's life I'm truely sorry" the doctor said as Seth was left in pure shock as he goes back to the group and told them what the doctor told him and everyone became broken.

Seth's memory ends

Seth waited and waited until I finally stopped crying and exit the car and enter the hospital where I sat by Becky's side refusing to leave until she was awake.

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