Real Magic

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After winning the WWE universal championship the announcement was made that you would defend your title in a elimination chamber match which means you got until then off Becky included.

To You and Becky

"So what you want to do" Becky asked as I hold her in my arms. "How about we go to that new roller skate ring" I asked as she agrees before we both got dressed and head to it I grab us two pairs of roller skates and make my way on to the floor but I noticed Becky having trouble so I go over and hold her hands. "Just focus on me and you will be ok" I told her as we begin to move together and without us noticing our movements were like dancing as other skaters stop and watch but we were lost in love and fun as I spin Becky before tossing her into the air and catch her as the sound of clapping breaks us out of the daze we were both in.

As we smile at each other everyone began to continue their skating leaving me and Becky standing in the centre with our focus on each other the minutes felt like seconds and nothing else matters as we connect our lips before taking the skates back and leave to enjoy the rest of the day as we head to a nearby fair on the pier. "So what do you want to do first because we have all day" I asked as Becky links up to my arm and we walk round as I see a game where you could win a stuffed bear from small to extra large as I walk over to it and pay for a game. "So here's how it works ya need to knock down the targets and if you manage to knock down the gold one you win the extra large prize" the man says as I take hold of the toy gun and steady my aim before shooting the target knocking it down before making a quick shot at the next and the next leaving the gold one but this one moved much faster but I take a deep breath and ready my shot.

I take the shot and knock the gold one over as I am handed the extra large stuffed bear and hand it to Becky as we carry on round the fair enjoying the rides and loving the food we even had a laugh when Becky and I got ice cream on our noses but it was fun as we sat down and enjoy the breeze. "Mommy look at me" a random kid says as me and Becky noticed the kid was on the edge of the pier as his mother tries to get him to climb back over which he did but the kid slips and falls into the sea as the mother begins to panic as she called for help. "Please someone help my son can't swim" the mother panics as I quickly got out my seat and run to the edge before jumping off the pier diving into the sea after the kid.

As I was swimming I saw the kid struggling for breath before grabbing him and pull him to the surface where he took quick gasps of air as I hold him up. "Your ok just take slow deep breaths" I told the kid as I begin to pull him back to shore as he takes slower breaths as I reach the shore Becky and the mother came running as I hand the little boy back to his mother. "Thank you thank you" the mother thanks me but I just smile and leave her to hold her son tight as I walk over to Becky dripping wet.

"That was a brave thing you did" Becky told me as I smiled and we walk away after we got back to the hotel I took a warm shower after drying off I walk out the bathroom in my boxers as I see Becky watching the latest RAW and SMACKDOWN where the first 2 superstars to earn their opportunity at my title from RAW was Drew McIntrye and SMACKDOWN was Seth Rollins. "So I will be facing Seth, Drew and Roman which leaves 2 slots to fill" I say as Becky turns of the tv and I climb into bed next to her as she lays her head on my chest. As I wait for some sleep all I could think about was the weight on my shoulders a company, a title and also my life with Becky but something was missing and I knew what but I felt it had to wait.

The Next Day

I wake up only to find Becky was not in bed so get up and call her it turns out she was having a little get together with some of her friends from WWE so I did the same and called my friends and head off to meet them. As I was driving to meet up with my friends I noticed a shop and pull up and enter the shop and after a 20 minutes I leave with the thing I bought before continuing on my way. After I arrive at the meeting point I checked my phone as I soon noticed Tony walking over to me.

"How you doing" Tony says as I sigh before shaking his hand with a smile. "Still trying to seduce people" I say as Tony was a little embarrassed but keep his smile. "What can I say the ladies love me and the guys well they you know" Tony told me as the rest of my friends came Finn, Kevin and Drew.

"So Drew you ready to lose at elimination chamber" I say with a smile on my face. "I was about to say the same to you" Drew said as we all laugh and have a good talk about how everyone has been doing until the topic of me and Becky came up. "So [Fn] how are things between you and Becky going" Finn asked as I look down at my coffee and smile.

"Things are great and if I'm honest I want it to stay this way but I worry that things may have moved too fast but when I'm with her my heart skips a beat, when I touch her it's electrifying and when I hear her voice it's like an angel calling me to heaven so to me the time I'm with here is like real magic" I told them as I smile as Tony placed a hand on my shoulder. "You got the love bug bad my friend" Tony says as I chuckle at his joke but it was nice to hear. After a couple more hours we all go our separate ways as I was about to get in my car a pair of hands grab me and throws me into against a wall as I see Derek walk over with Seth as I am punched and kicked me as I slide down the wall I watch them walk away as I slip into unconsciousness.

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