March To War

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It was a week after I was fired from WWE and Becky quit but we already plans to shake things up and it would happen on Raw.

At Raw

Vince had shown up on Raw to make a huge announcement that would as he put it push WWE to all new heights. "I know your all here just to here me speak but I must bring out the owner of AEW Shahid Khan" Vince says as Shahid walks down to the ring before shaking hands with Vince. "Thank you Vince and might I say what a pleasure it is to finally have a chance see which company truely is better" Shahid said as Vince could only laugh as he soon made the announcement that AEW superstars will face WWE superstar for bragging rights as the best company.

"Now allow me to introduce team WWE" Vince says as Finn Balor, Alexa Bliss, Drew McIntyre, Roman Reigns and Big E all walk to the ring. "That's good Vince but my team is elite" Shahid says as Cody Rhodes, Cm Punk and Keth Lee step into the ring but this was not the end as a theme song plays.

(Becky's AEW theme)

As Becky came walking to the ring people went crazy that even vince was surprised as she steps into the ring and grabs a mic. "If you all thought this is crazy let the last member come out" Becky says as the lights go out.

(This is your AEW theme please listen as this mashup is fire🔥)

Everyone watched as you walk shocking everyone including Vince with the crowd cheering that you were back before you step in the ring and look at Vince. "Never thought you would see me again" I tell him as Vince was clearly angry that I was even showing my face on RAW. "You got some nerve showing your face here" Vince tells me as I get in his face and smile.

"You know Vince all things about you are true your a bitter old man who's passed his prime it's sad but it's even more sad to see a company like this be flushed down the drain because of you" I told him as everyone was watching us. "Who the hell do think you are I made this company and I made it successful" Vince tells me as I just chuckle. "Successful Vince your ratings have dropped so your success has passed and now your in the era of AEW" I tell him as he slaps me across the face but I just smile and look at him.

"Your a nobody with out me" Vince says but I smile. "Let me tell you something Vince the next time you lay a hand on me I'll take that hand and in the words of the great one I'll shove it up your candy ass" I say as Vince soon backed up slightly before I look at Finn and Roman. "As for you two I plan to beat you both and Roman watch out because I'm not only coming for that title but also your claim as the head of the table" I told them as we the whole AEW team begin to leave until Vince spoke.

"Hold you little brat your not done because you have a match with Drew McIntyre" Vince said as I re-enter the ring ready to go one on one with Drew McIntyre as both sides go back stage.

The match

As I look at Drew the bell rings before we rush at each other locking up but Drew quickly grabs me from behind followed by a german suplex as but he soon gets back on the attack as he irish whips me into the corner but I flip over on to the apron as Drew runs at me.

I make a quick dodge before hitting him with a knee lift causing him to fall to the mat and I take this chance to get to the top rope and gave him an elbow drop as the crowd goes wild I get to the corner and set Drew up for my finisher until I'm pulled from the ring and tossed into the barricade by Derek which cause the match to end in a DQ but that stop Derek from continuing his assault on me only this time I was fighting back.

Me and Derek keep throwing hands as other WWE officials try to pull us apart but as soon as we are pulled away from each other we jump over them to continue our brawl but were both pulled away by other superstar with me being pulled into the ring while Derek was pulled into the crowd.

"DEREK" I shout into the microphone I was given causing Derek to look at me. "I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU ALWAYS ATTACKING ME SO LET ME TELL YOU WHAT NEXT WEEK YOU AND ME IN A NO MERCY MATCH" I shout as I see the smile on Derek's face but we are both forced apart.

The Next Day

After what happened on RAW me and Derek were told that our match would happen next week but he refused to do it unless the winner got a title shot at the other companies world title which Vince and Shahid agreed to but until then we were not to attack each other.

"This is so boring no matches but at least I get to destroy Derek next week" I said as I feel a hand rub my chest as I look at Becky who was happy. "Well if you ask me he's got it coming now lets get dressed and do some shopping" Becky told me but I smiled and stood up and walk to the bathroom but look at her a little. "Hey Becky do you have an sins to confess because your hot as hell" I say with a little chuckle before getting my boxers tossed in my face as I enter the bathroom.

*He really is a joker at times but I like that about him but I can tell him later* Becky thought as I walk out the bathroom and she goes to change and after waiting a few minutes she came out and we go out shopping.

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