Deal With The Devil

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Third Person P.O.V

After signing up with the local wrestling agency in Kyoto japan [Fn], Harry, Tony and Derek all began training pushing passed the limits they had from lifting weight to endurance but that was only the set up for the matches that followed. "1....2....3 YOUR WINNERS TEAM NEW AGE EMPIRE" the announcer shouts as they raise their arms in the air before walking to the locker room. "Look at us dudes we have been winning left, right and centre which means our next match may actually push us to get picked up by wwe" Derek says as the others just smile while getting changed.

"Wow slow your hype train Derek don't forget we are the unknown talent while others have been here longer" [Fn] told them as they all look at him. "[Fn] is right we shouldn't get our hopes up" Tony says as Harry finished changing before looking at us. "I get what your both saying but look at where we all came from not to mention what some of us fight for" Harry says as he looked at [Fn] before the four of them changed and left for the hotel but as they got there a man was waiting for them.

[Fn]'s P.O.V

"Excuse me is one of you a Mr [Ln] of the new age empire" ??? says as I step forward and he shakes my hand as I told the others to head up and I'll catch up. "So how may I help you Mr" I asked as he takes off his hat and bows. "My name is Nick Wild and my employer has been watching your matches and she is impressed which is why I was asked to come and offer you a contract" Nick told me as I smile but after a quick think shake my head.

"Sorry Mr Wild but I can't don't get me wrong I would love to take it it's just my team we started this together and we will finish it together" I tell him as I walk passed but I was soon stop when he spoke. "You know that friend of yours Harry was it he sure has a nice sister would be a shame if she had an accident" Nick said as I look at him a little angry but keep my cool. "Leave Penny out of this you son of a...." I was soon cut off as he shows me a picture of Penny and it looked recent as if someone had just taken it.

"I would watch what you say kid now the job my employer wants you to did is simple in the next few matches your team needs to lose or well you get the point" Nick say as he was about walk away until I stop him. "Why does my team need to lose" I asked as he looked at me. "Simple my employer runs a little betting service but after all your wins people have been winning more which cost my boss money but if you hold up your end of the deal then no harm comes to that girl" Nick said as I watch him get in a car and prepare to drive off.

"Tell me how much did we cost your employer and also if I pay it back will you leave Harry's sister alone" I asked as Nick looked at me through the window. "Sure that would be acceptable at this current moment you owe 200,000,000 yen but she will offer you a chance to win it at this underground tournament and if I was you I would take this chance" Nick says before he drives off leaving me with the poster advertising the underground fights. As I walked into the hotel I couldn't stop thinking about what Nick told me but more about what he showed me I couldn't just let this go but can I actually ruin a chance for my friends to achieve their dream of joining wwe.

"No matter what I need to do what is right" I tell myself as I head up to the room but as I enter I see the others getting a deck of cards out ready for game night. "So what did he want [Fn]" Harry asked with a smile on his face as I gave him a smile of my own. "He just want to wish us luck in our up coming match" I lied to my friends but this was for the best as we carry on with game night but to me it was as if a huge weight was resting on my shoulders.

After we finished our game night we all headed to bed but I couldn't sleep after to day so I took a look at the poster Nick gave me before seeing a number written on the back. *Looks like Nick gave me his contact number* I thought as I get dressed and sneak out of the hotel room to make a call. "Hey Nick tell your employer I'll do it" I told him through the phone before looking up at the night sky.

To the next day

After we had gotten some sleep the four of us head to the arena for our next match but I could only think about how I would screw us out of a victory before we enter the ring. Harry start the match and through out the match it looked like we were going to win but I had a job to do so I tag myself in and knock the opponent to the outside with hard right before jumping out and grab a chair which I quickly smash on my opponent causing my team to lose by DQ as I walk back stage. "[Fn] dude what the hell was that we were winning" Harry asked as I look at him trying my best to think up a lie.

"Sorry guys must of got a little hot headed" I tell them before walking away to get changed but I soon see Nick. "Well done kid with that you now down 1,000,000 yen only another 199,000,000 yen to go" Nick told me as he walked away I enter the changing room and punch the wall feeling angry at myself but I got changed before heading to my next match. As I drive down the road I notice the location of one of these underground fighting sites and pull over as I see Nick waiting for me.

"Ok kid this isn't like your little wrestling matches here your in a real fight only one rule fights are decide when your opponent is unable to continue also anything goes" Nick says as he lights a cigarette and we walk in. "How much do I get if I win or lose" I asked as Nick looked at me. "If you win you get 10,000,000 yen if you lose 5,000,000 yen" Nick tells me as I step into the large cage before my opponent steps in as well.

Once the bell rings we begin to circle each other but I soon get knock down as he gave me a strong jab to the face but I quickly get back to my feet and run at him pushing him against the cage before delivering punches not letting up for a second until something hits my head causing me to bleed as I stagger back only to see my opponent with a lead pipe in hand. *Where did he get that* I thought as I soon notice the referee holding a weapon and suddenly I get the picture he throws in weapons for us to use on the other I make another attempt at an attack but this time I avoid his swing and get him in a sleeper hold which soon put him to sleep making me the winner as I walk out Nick was clapping. "Nicely done kid with that you have only 189,000,000 yen to earn the boss" Nick say as the site doctors check on me before letting me leave as I get back to my hotel room I jump into bed and drift off to sleep.

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