Winter Training

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"You are snoring!" i hit the wall of my room, which is the room next to Yelena's.

"And you're annoying!" she shouts back.

I heard a knock on my door.If it's Yelena, i will hit her with a pillow in the head. I open the door and i see Anastasiya.

"Ana? What are you doing here? Did Yelena's snoring woke you up too?"

"Actually, no t this time. Red Skull wants me to train, so..."

"Why wake me up first?I thought Yelena was your favorite. Wouldn't want to see her first?"

"Were you sleeping? I heard the shout from my room.And your room  is closer  to mine than Yel's. "

"Can i wake up Yelena?"

"Why  are you asking me?You have a higher rank. Not that i question —"

"Chill, kid. I am not that kind of teacher. And beside, we are a team now.We all have the same rank. "

"So, you are like Yelena?She told me the same thing, that we are egals ,when i throw her in a wall. "

"I think you impressed her." I go to Yelena's room and knock as hard as I can in her door. I remember Peter once showed me a trand on Instagram like that. If i had music it would be exactly like that. I miss my маленький паук (little spider).

"сука! " Yelena opens the door and walks in front of us.

" Good morning to you too!" i shout.

"She didn't say <<good morning >>." Ana says.

"I know."

We follow Yelena to their gym.  There we meet Grand and another female agent. I'm happy I found out my friends are not Hydra.

"OUT! "Yelena shouts at them and they leave. 

" Ok, what are we doing first? "i ask.

" Hand to hand combat. "Yelena answer.

" Ok. Ana, first round is with Yelena and then with me. "

" Who made you the boss? "Yelena asks.

" Me. That was my first excellent decision as a boss. Now.. FIGHT! "

I have to admit, the girl is good.Every move  of hers is  precise, calculated  and the supersoldier serum gives her an advantage. She's fast and strong. This is how she beats Yelena. She knows where to hit and she does it fast. Interesting. But i can use this to my advantage. She is too focused to find the perfect opportunity to hit, that she forgets to keep her guard up.

"Ok, Yelena, my turn." i give her a hand to help her stand up from the mat. We go in a corner why Ana goes to drink some water.

"She's good,you have to admit. Sometimes, she remembers me of you. У нее такой же огонь, как у тебя, Наташа.(She has the same fire like you, Natasha. )"

"Вот почему она тебе так нравится? Она помнит тебя обо мне? (This is why you like her so much? She remembers you of me? ) "

" Одна из причин. Ее обучали вдовы. Она практически одна из нас, сестра.(One of the reasons. She was trained by widows. She's practically one of us, sister. ) "

" Yelena, now serious. Why do you consider me your sister? Last time we saw each other, you hated me. What changed? "

" I really don't know. After the whole face switch, i felt like i don't hate you that much. Maybe it's the fact that you're the closest thing to a family that i have. We are both widows,sister in arm. "

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