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Natasha's Pov

"Ok, the Tower feels too empty. Have someone seen Pietro? OH MY GOD! YELENA AND ALEXEI LEFT WITH FELICIA AND THEY NEVER COME BACK, RIGHT?"i patch back and fort in the kitchen with a peanut butter sandwich in hand.

" Red, calm down. I saw Pietro fast reading a lot of books. "

" What about Yelena and Alexei? "i asked.

" Ok... maybe you should worry. "

I hear the soft ding of the elevator and ran towards it. I see Pietro in a graduation robe, Yelena in a white  shirt and tshirt, Alexei in a black raining coat and behind them Felicia with a bag.

" What thw fuck?"

"I have several questions." Tony said from behind me.

"I'm a lawyer."Pieteo said.

"I'm married." Yelena said.

"And you are a aunt." Alexei did the jazz hands.

That... that doesn't help. That makes things more confusing. I need coffee.

"Sit. Couch. Now." i pointed there. "Explain".

"Felicia's mother is a bitch so i... probably fought her. And possibly the neighbors called the cops."

"Probably Alexei called me and told me to learn law so i could be Yelena's attorney and get her out of jail."

"There is a possibility that the authorities didnt find my mom fit to take care of me and i could end up in an orphanage."

"Maybe,i decided to adopt her.I liked to be her fake dad ,so why not her be her real dad."he shrugs."And apparently to be more convincing that Felicia wil have a loving and stable family..i needed a wife.Maybe i proposed to Yelena with the ring i was carrying with me since we ran from Hydra and Red Room."

"There is a chance that Alexei put me to become an wedding official so i could marry them."Pietro said.

I start to laugh.

"What?"they ask.

"Stable family......pfffft.We dress up in weird costumes and jump of the roofs .We are not that kind of family."

" approve?"Felicia asks me.


Steve's Pov

"I hope you are not upset i didnt told you i married Alexei."Yelena asked Tasha.

".Actually me and Nat-"i look towards her direction.Death glare.Oh.Ok,apparently we dont tell them yet."saw you as a married couple since the beginning .We are very happy for you."

"He's hiding something.What are you hiding,Steve Rogers?"

I am dead.

"I...ok,FINE!I dont like you as a married couple because me and Nat think you rushed things ."

Please believe my lie,please believe me!

"But Nat didn't want to tell you.This is why i looked at Natasha before finishing my sentence. I'm sorry, мой паук." I look at Natasha to look credible. I hope Yelena believes me.

"You think we rushed things?" she puts her hand on her hips and asks Natasha. Oh, no. Fight between sisters.

I will fix this for my lady. "No, Yelena. I am the one who thinks that. What happend with <<Hello!Let me take you to dinner. >> or <<Let meet my family before we get married. >>. What if he is a trained killer?Huh?! Huh?! What will you do then?! Divorce?! What if he kills you before that? This. This is why he needs to meet the family first and get the father's approval to marry you. "

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