Chapter Two

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John sat beside Cynthia in his lettering class counting down the minutes till their lunch break, when Paul and George would no doubt be joining them, their guitars in hand ready to have a lunchtime jam session in the middle of the lunch room. Before John let himself become too distracted by the thought of Paul, he quickly turned his attention to Cyn. He ripped a sheet of paper from the back of his book and scribbled a note to Cyn.

“ Fancy meeting up for a 5 mile run tonight luv? some of my muscles are gettin’ a bit hard and tight, i'm in desperate need of a ‘stretch’....XOXO”

John folded the paper in half and slid the note in between the pages of Cyn’s open book. She looked up from her lettering work to fix John with a curious expression. John simply winked and nodded to where he had hidden the note. She raised her eyebrows and began to flick through the pages of her book till the note fell from the pages and continued to fall to the floor in front of their table. Cynthia pushed her chair back and got up to pick up the folded paper but instead came face to face with their lettering teacher, Mr. Richards, who had beaten her to the chase and was already opening the note. John chuckled as his Girlfriend tried to snatch the note back with little success. Mr. Richards eyes hastily scanned the scribbled note and then landed on John with an irritated glare.

“Well Casanova I do apologise for keeping you occupied while you have such pressing matters to deal with.” He said sarcastically. John smirked and replied “Thats alright there son, but your apology would be appreciated more if it were delivered in the form of, lets say for instance, interpretive dance. Arrange me that teacher man.” Cyn giggled as she saw the anger creep onto the teachers face at Johns words.

“Mr. Lennon, while I’m sure that your wit - or should I say lack there of it - is highly amusing to your brain dead friends, I can assure you that it is most certainly not to me and I’m sure your Aunt would feel the same way if she were to be alerted of your antics. So I must ask you to have an ounce of self control and wait till you are out of my classroom to plan your sordid affairs with Miss Powell. Keep your mind on your Lettering Mr Lennon, not on your loins.” Mr. Richards growled. John raised his arm out in front of him in a mock nazi salute and nodded. Mr. Richards shook his head and muttered under his breath as he walked back to the front of the classroom. John laughed and turned back to face Cyn, who was now reading the note the teacher had dropped back on the table.

“Well, yay or neigh?” He asked when she finished reading. Cyn blushed, mortified that the teacher had read the note, but also highly amused by Johns antics.

“Is Mimi going to be home?” She asked before she answered, not wanting to have to deal with Johns less than welcoming Auntie.

“Nah, she’s pissed off to London for a week or so to visit a friend or a relative or some such shit.” John replied with a slight smile playing on his thin lips.

“Come on Cynny! Say yes, I'm dyin’ for a shag.”

Cynthia blushed again, but nodded her head.

“Okay, okay! But I can't come till late. Say around 9. I have family coming around for tea and I have homework. But I’ll stay the night if that makes up for it..” She said in a hushed voice, careful not to draw attention to them again. John let out a dramatic sigh and turned to face his Girlfriend with pleading eyes.

“9?! Cyn I realllllly don't think you have grasped the gravity of the situation. Lets just say that its a good thing teacher man up there walked away when he did, because he was starting to become a desirable option.” John begged. Cyn laughed at the serious look on her lovers face.

“Oh johnny, It’s 9 or nothing. Besides, if you get desperate enough you could always shag Paulie - he looks enough like a girl if you dim the lights and squint a little.” She said cheekily. Johns heart nearly skipped a beat at Cynthias words, he felt the blood rush to his cheeks and fear stab him in the chest. Had Cynthia seen through him? Did she know about his mixed feelings for Paul? No, of course not, because you don't have any feelings for Paul do you John? No you don’t. John quickly pushed the thoughts and fears away and chuckled half heartedly at Cyn.

“You had better hope I don’t tell him you said that, I wouldn't put it past the lad to hit a girl. The bastard has the crazy eyes Cyn, all big and innocent, but crazy. Don't let the fucker fool ya.” John said a little too quickly, trying to use his Liverpool wit to cover his discomfort. Luckily it worked because Cynthia smiled at John and replied, “John. Pauls eyes may be many things - beautiful being the one that springs to mind first….- But crazy ain't even on the list. George on the other hand… Now he has a touch of the crazy eyes…”

John had to agree with Cyn, Paul did have beautiful eyes.. no, no,no,no. Blokes don’t call blokes beautiful. Not seriously. But it was true… John could look at Pauls eyes for hours, he would love to draw them...

Cyn was looking at John expectantly when John realised he hadn’t said anything in reply.

“Bloody ‘ell Cyn, Paulie doesn’t need you fawning over him too! Bambi boy is too pretty for his own good. Although I do agree with you about George, a touch of the crazy in that kid. Paul told me that George once came up and head butted one of Pauls old friends - just randomly - because he didn’t think he was worthy of Pauls friendship. I’m thankful that I seem to be worthy or else I might end up with a fuckin’ knife in me kidney from Georgie boy.” John said, trying to steer the conversation away from Paul.

“I think thats kind of sweet..” said Cynthia.

“They are like Brothers after all. And its impossible to not fawn over McCartney just a little bit John luv, he is very handsome. I wouldn’t expect you to understand, blokes don't see each other the same way a girl see's them.” She continued. Oh if only that were true, John wanted to say, that would make my life so much easier right now. John quickly thought of a way to draw the conversation away from how disgustingly good looking Paul was.

“Miss Cynthia should watch what she says, or Johnny boy will have to teach her a lesson tonight. Johnny will teach his Cyn that no one is prettier than John, ‘Cause he is the fairest of them all- me Auntie says so every day she does.” John said with a sly smile, Cyn giggled as John placed his hand on her thigh beneath the table and gave it a squeeze to emphasize his words.

“Now, now John, keep your mind on your Lettering - not your loins remember.” She replied. “Well then that settles it, a lesson from John is definitely in order. Such cheek Cynthia. Can’t have that now can we?”

“I suppose not..” Cyn replied with a wink, just as the bell rang for lunch.

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