Chapter Seven

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Cynthia was was fixing her hair in the mirror that hung on the wall of the hallway of her home, even if was only lunch with Dot she wanted to look good and presentable. It was safe to say that Cynthia was middle class, possibly even upper class in comparison to some of the people her and John hung about with, and she liked to present herself that way. The Powell residence wasn't too dissimilar to Johns Aunt Mimi's house, both were lovely townhouses that were tastefully decorated and screamed class when compared to the council houses most of Cynthia's friends resided in. Despite having the same social class and upbringing John and Cyn were completely different. Cynthia was the image of the middle/upper class girl, prim and proper and a voiced that lacked the typical scouse accent, whereas John was the rough and rugged teddy boy, the image of the working class boy with a scouse accent so thick you could spread it on toast, everything about John was a show of rebellion against his sophisticated Aunt Mimi. Mimi took a disliking to all things working class, and John, always the troublemaker, found nothing more amusing than look upon her irritation at Johns working class persona. All that being said one would think that Cynthia would be the perfect girl in Mimi's eyes, but it wasn't so. Mimi took a deep disliking to Cyn, she was a distraction to her nephews education. If John was to be an artist - something that Mimi had begrudgingly accepted - he was going to be a good one, he need to concentrate at the art college and learn his trade till he could paint a masterpiece with his eyes closed. But enter Cynthia and John was back to his impulsive and reckless behaviour and spent more time wooing his girlfriend than studying which infuriated Mimi to no end. So no Mimi most definitely did not like Cynthia.

Cynthia huffed angrily as she snapped out of her trance, and forced the thoughts of Mimi from her mind. Cyn glanced at the delicate wrist watch that adorned her slender wrist and saw that it was already 11:15, she only had 15 minutes to make her way to dot's. She would be cutting it fine but she was confident she could make it in time. She checked her appearance once more in the mirror before quickly grabbing her handbag from the chair it was sitting on and kissed her mother goodbye.

"I'll be back in time for dinner Mum." She said, her mother simply nodded and shooed her away. Cynthia walked briskly out of the house and down the road. Dot had asked her to come to her house first and then they would make their way to one of the small cafes in Liverpool for lunch. Cynthia tried to keep her mind clear as she walked, only letting the click clack sound of her heels hitting the footpath fill her mind. Something in her subconscious told her that she needed to be calm and level headed today and she had slightly worked herself up thinking about her situation with John's aunt Mimi, and the soothing click clack sound claimed her and before she knew it she was at the front gate of Dots family home. The house was considerably smaller than Cynthia's own home and the neighbourhood not quite so friendly, it was more comparable to Paul or Georges houses than Cynthia or Johns.

Cyn pushed open the gate which squeaked slightly on its hinges and walked up to the front door and rapped on the wood firmly. After a few moments of silence a quiet shuffling could be heard and then suddenly the door was opened and Cynthia was enveloped in a tight hug from Dot, Dot's head resting on Cyns shoulder due to her shorter stature. Cynthia was momentarily taken aback by the hug, but she quickly recover and returned the embrace.

"Dot love, what's wrong?" Cyn asked her voice high with concern as she pulled away from the hug to look at Dots face. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying and her skin was pale, the sadness in Dots eyes was striking and Cyn felt her heart flutter with concern, she was always the nurturing type.
"Oh I'm sorry Cynthia... I didn't mean to grab you.... I-i just got some bad news and I'm struggling to deal with it right now..." Dot said quietly, her voice faltering with every other word.

Cyn clutched Dots hand in hers and lead her inside and upstairs to Dots room before sitting the hiccuping girl on the bed and wrapping her arm around her shoulders.

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