Chapter Fifteen

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Paul was sat in the back of his Fathers car once again, a sort of dreamy smile playing slightly on his full lips, Dot was sitting next to him eagerly reading one of the pamphlets a nurse had given her on their way out. The appointment had been both a wonderful and daunting experience, wonderful for the obvious reasons, but daunting because it set everything in stone - for Paul at least - this was confirmation that all this was happening, and it was happening fast.

For the first part of the appointment Jim and Paul  had sat awkwardly in the corner of the boxy little examination, being mostly ignored by the Doctor and Nurses that flitted in when necessary. It wasn't usual practice for a Man to accompany a woman to such an appointment let alone two, but due to Dots age no questions were asked. The Doctor focused on Dot, retaking measurements, feeling Dots stomach, and asking her in depth questions about what signs and symptoms she had and was experiencing and anything else pertinent to the pregnancy. Paul felt his cheeks flush when Dot was asked about possible dates of conception. Jim saw his Son sink back into his seat and his face turn red and couldn't help but let out a soft laugh, the Doctor looked over when he heard the noise and smirked as he looked at Paul's shrinking form.

“So I take it this blushing young man is the Father?” The Doctor asked, his voice not as disproving as Paul has assumed it would be. Jim let out another quick laugh before answering.

“Yes, that would be correct, this is Paul and I'm his Father, Jim.” he replied formally after he had regained his composure. Paul nodded his head toward the Doctor, trying not to embarrass himself further.

“Right, well we’ll get these questions out of the way quickly, before your Boyfriends face catches fire.” The Doctor said, grinning slightly at Dot.

“So we are placing conseption somewhere between the end of March and the beginning of April correct?” He asked. Dot nodded her head quickly, letting the Doctor continue.

“So really we’re looking at you being closer to Four months rather than three months, which places out expected date of birth around…..The beginning to mid December. For a singular baby that is, But for a twin birth the Pregnancy is generally shorter around 34 to 38 weeks rather than 40. Meaning a date of birth around…... The end of October to the beginning of November.” The Doctor said slowly, jotting down his calculations and notes as he went.

Dots nervousness vanished for a moment and she smiled uncontrollably at the Doctors words, she looked over her shoulder and saw both Paul and his Father both smiling brightly as well.

“So are you thinkin’ its twins Doc?” Jim asked eagerly. The Doctor examined his notes once more before he replied.

“Well, Dots certainly a lot bigger than we would expect, I would say Twins is a definite possibility, but only the ultrasound can really confirm it. but I would be willing to bet that its twins.” He replied with a smile.

Within minutes Paul and his Father were ushered out of the room so that Dot could be prepared for her ultrasound, but they were assured that they would be brought in to have a look see once all the technical stuff was done. They were seated in the waiting room once more when Paul's father turned to him.

“Pretty exciting stuff aye Paul? How are ya holding up Son?” He asked quietly.

"I'm alright I reckon.... Just a lot ta take in all at once." Paul mumbled slowly.

"It is all happening very fast.... You don't have to wait long though, few months." Jim agreed.

"A few months isn't long enough..... I want the whole 9. I've been cheated out of 4 already." Paul groaned and his father chuckled under his breath.

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