Chapter Twenty Two

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John Lennon was awoken from his dreaming by the sound of rocks hitting his window. Not lightly tapping, hitting. It was very early morning and John was fully prepared to yell a list of violent threats and unkind swear words at whoever was throwing the rocks. He opened the window forcefully, a loud bang rang out through the house as it hit the top of the window sill. He leaned out the window, his first threat prepared in his mind, when he saw Paul standing before him.

"Paul? Jesus Paul its fuckin' early what do you want?!" He called out. Paul looked up, his face blank.

"Can I come in?" He replied. John sighed heavily before he pushed the window back down and made his way to the back door.

"Come in then. Be quiet, Mimis still asleep." John informed Paul before he turned and walked back up the stairs to his Bedroom, Paul following silently behind him. John instantly got back into his warm bed and held the covers up so Paul could slide in next to him. John expected the younger boy to cuddle up to him immediately but instead Paul lay flat on his back, his eyes glued to the ceiling.

"Alright, out with it. What's troubling you?" John questioned.

"I'm a little more than troubled John." Paul replied, his eyes still looking to the roof. Johns heart picked up speed a little, as he began to worry.

"Paul luv, just tell me what's wrong." Paul was silent for a little while, to John, he looked calm, as if he were deep in thought, but as he placed his hand over Paul's heart he could feel to fast beating rhythm that told him otherwise.

"Paulie. Tell me what's wrong." John said a little more forcefully.

"Dot had the babies." He said finally, he turned onto his side to face John.

"What!? They're not due for ages! Are they okay?" John exploded, his mind racing with more and more questions.

"No they're not okay. They're just like me. Just like you." Paul replied cryptically, his voice tight.

"What do ya mean like you and me?" John asked, confused.

"They don't have a Mum." He said quietly. His eyes shined with tears slightly, but Paul wasn't letting them fall.

"Don't have a mum? Dots their Mum... She wouldn't leave them or you Paul." John reasoned.

"But she has! She's gone and left me!" Paul exclaimed. John just looked on, not knowing what to say. Deep down he knew what Paul was going to say but he tried to avoid that though as much as possible.

"She's fucking dead John! She's gone and.... I don't know what I'm going to do." Paul said, his voice was devastatingly broken. Johns heart broke for him, he pulled Paul close to his body and wrapped his arms tightly around him. Paul arms were limp for a moment before they too were wrapped tightly around John.

"What am I gunna do without her? How could this happen..." He gasped, suppressing his sobs.

"It will be okay Paul... You've got your babies now, focus on the positive." John murmured.

"But I don't have my babies... The Doctor said one of them is just too weak... He probably won't make it through the day." Paul just couldn't hold in the tears any more, John felt the wet tear run down Paul's cheek.

"So one is a Boy?" John asked, trying to distract Paul.

"Yeah... He was born second. The first was a Girl... Mary. I named her Mary."

"And the Boy, what did you name him?"

"I... I didn't name him. I ran off as soon as the doctor told me what happened. I haven't seen either of the babies."

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