Chapter Twenty

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Paul was sitting in Georges living room, slouching on the small, warn couch, watching John with a slightly furrowed brow.

John was avoiding him.

In the almost two months that had passed since they had taken the plunge and had sex John had changed.

Not personality wise, although his cutting remarks were becoming more frequent and more harsh.

It was in their relationship.

For one, thing he wasn't trying to pressure Paul to sleep with him anymore, in fact he hadn't so much as hinted at wanting to have sex with Paul again. There were a few kisses and lingering touches but they were few and far between and to Paul there was a forced feeling on John's part and it was making Paul deeply insecure.

John had always been the more affectionate one the relationship , even before they started whatever you would call what they had now. John always sat so close to him he was practically on top of him, but now John was sitting across the room, as far as possible.

To begin with Paul thought John was giving him some space to fix things up with Dot and get her settled back at home, which Paul greatly appreciated, but now the weeks had passed and John still hadn't returned to normal.

Paul wanted to go up to John and shake him and ask what happened to them? He had done what John wanted! He let John fuck him! What more could he possibly do to prove his love and affection?

Paul was so mentally exhausted from trying figure out John, as well as having to try and stay strong and positive for Dot, eventually he was going to completely break.

In fact he felt like he was already beginning to break as he sat there and watched as John talked to everyone but Paul.

Band practice was pretty uneventful, their music was beginning to become pretty tight which slightly cheered Paul's sour mood.

As they packed up John was quite loud with his plans to head to the pub with Stu, and Stu only.

This incensed Paul, he knew his issue with Stuart was immature but he didn't care. John was meant to be in love with Paul, why was he pushing Paul away and pulling Stu in?

That was the last straw.

As John and Stuart walked through the garden gate Paul ran up behind them and grabbed John firmly by the wrist, pulling him firmly to a stop.

"What the bloody hell are you doin' Macca?!" John asked, his voice a mixture of confused and irritated.

"I need to talk to you." Paul snapped, tugging on John arm.

"I'm going to the Pub. You can talk to me some other time mate." John replied tersely, turning back to Stuart who was watching one with an amused glint in his eye.

"I need to talk to you John. Now. " Paul repeated nearing on full blown anger. He was not going to be blown off by John again.

John sighed and decided it was for the best, Paul seemed genuinely pissed off which was just not like Paul, he was always one to restrain himself and hold in the negativity,

"Sorry Stu luv, the missus wants me." John said dramatically. Stu was watching Paul, he saw him clench his jaw and his breathing stop for a moment and St found himself really feeling for Paul, He knew that John was trying to distance himself from the younger boy in order to help his own inner pain, but he was really fucking with Paul in the process.

Stu let out a restrained chuckle, he may be feeling for Paul but he certainly didn't want Paul knowing that.

John bid Stu a brief farewell, Stu couldn't help but see the stress, and was that fear? In John's eyes before he turned to follow Paul.

Take a sad song and make it betterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن