Chapter Twenty Four

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The McCartney family managed to slot their new addition into their lives with little problem, Jim assumed he would end up doing all the dirty work - changing nappies, cleaning up vomit and bathing - but was pleasantly surprised to see Paul become a very dedicated Father. Well, it was pleasant to begin with but as time went on Jim became concerned that he was becoming too dedicated. He himself barely saw his Son and Granddaughter, Paul only bringing the little Girl downstairs to  prepare a Bottle and to bath her. Paul was completely consumed by his desire to be a good Father.

No one was allowed to visit for the few weeks - with the exception of John and Auntie Gin, both of whom just wouldn't take no for an answer.

John Lennon also surprised Jim. He had expected the fought teddy boy to feign interest in Paul's new life as a Father for a short while before disappearing back to his run a mock ways, but shockingly enough, John was just as dedicated to his daily visit as Paul was to Mary. Jim may not approve of John dress, attitude, behaviour or tendency to lead his Son astray, but he was quite thankful for his presence in this strange time in his eldest Sons life.


"John, come here please." Mimi called to her Nephew from the the living room, she could hear him shuffle about above her on the second floor of the house.

John grumbled to himself quietly as he made his way down the stairs to see what it was that his Aunt wanted this time.

Mimi lifted her eyes from her knitting and watched John through her critical eyes as he sauntered into the room and proceeded to flop down onto the couch, making it shake slightly under his weight.

"Sit down gently John! Anyone would think I raised you with no manners whatsoever." His Aunt scolded firmly. Johns head lolled to the side lazily so that he faced Mimi, a sly smirk pulling at his lips.

"Terribly sorry Aunty dearest, I'll write the couch a sincere letter of apology." He replied in his posh London voice.

Mimi breathed out heavily through her nose, rolling her eyes behind her glasses that sat perched on her pointy nose.

"So, what do ya want me for? I've been a good boy I swear, ain't been up to no good in ages." John queried.

Mimi lay her knitting down on her lap and pulled a cigarette out of her silver cigarette case and placed it between her lips, lighting it carefully before she answered him.

"I wanted to know how Paul was faring with the child." She replied, smoke following the words out of her mouth. John's eyebrows furrowed for a moment, it wasn't what he was expecting her to ask but at least she wasn't yelling at him.

"Uh, quite well I suppose... He was devastated what with Dot and the little Boy passin' away... But ah, he's getting better now." John said, scratching his head.

Mimi nodded her head along with him.

"Terrible that must have been. I assume his Father is taking up the role of caregiver?" She continued.

"Oh nah, Paul's in charge. Wouldn't even let anyone near her for the couple of weeks at home, Mr. McCartney said he only saw him and Mary when Paul brought her down to prepare a bottle. He's settled down now though, started seeing people again." John replied.

"How strange..." Mimi quipped, her forehead creased in surprise. John simply shrugged his shoulders.

"I want you to bring him and the baby here." She stated out of the blue.

John's eyebrows shot up to his hairline.

"What? Why!?"

"Because I've seen Paul almost everyday since you met him and I would like to see his child. Plus I need to measure its head so I can knit it a bonnet." She replied as if it was perfectly obvious.

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