Chapter Five

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A/N this chapter contains a pretty graffic het sex scene, its not essential to the story so if thats not your thing you can skip it.


It was 10 past 9 and John was sitting in the front room of the house, impatiently wait for Cynthia to arrive, hoping that her presence would help dull the thoughts of Paul. John got up from his chair and began to pace around the small room whilst listening to the radio that was quietly playing in the background. John had done three circuits around the room when he heard a faint tapping on the front door. John smiled before wiping his face clear of emotion and moved to open the door. Let the game begin. 

“Sorry I'm late Johnny, my Aunt wouldn't stop talking and--” Cynthia began as the door was opened but was soon cut off as John grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her inside roughly. 

“It’s 15 minutes past 9. That's 15 minutes late Cynthia. I'm afraid that lateness will not be tolerated tonight.” John said in a monotone voice, his face as hard as stone. John was bursting with excitement at the thought of all the fun he had in store, but he wouldn't let it show to Cynthia. But of course Cyn was onto John's plan the minutes he pulled her in, she was not a naive girl and she was up for whatever John had in store.

“What, pray tell John, are you going to do about it?” Cyn said in a sassy voice, one corner of her mouth pulled up in a cheeky smile. John let a smile flash across his face before he swiftly put on his serious face once more, God bless Cyn. Up for anything that girl, John was very lucky to have her.

“Well Miss. Powell, in my experience the only way to get the message across to naughty girls like you is to spank it into them. 1 spank for every minute you were late.” John declared, looking into Cyn’s eyes, as he did he saw her pupils dilate and a slight flush of arousal dust her cheeks.

“15 spanks!? oh please John no!” Cynthia cried in mock horror, hoping John would up the number if she protested. Spanking was one of Cynthia's secret loves, And her plan worked flawlessly. John reached out and cupped her chin, pulling her face closer to his. 

“I’m sorry, but you don't get a say my dear. And from now on you are to call me ‘Sir’ that’s it. Anything else and you will only increase your punishment.” John said menacingly but with an excited glint in his light brown eyes. Cynthias loins began to tingle at John's words, he had never used another name during their little games, just the concept set her heart racing and she couldn't wait for John to start. 

“Sorry Sir..” She whimpered. A thrill ran up John's spine when Cynthia called him ‘Sir’ and his cock began to stir in his pants. John grasped both her wrists in his hands and pulled her up the stairs intending to take her to his room, but out of the corner of his eye he spied his aunt Mimi’s room, the opportunity was too great to pass up and he quickly pulled her along behind him into the room. Cynthia gasped as she saw where John was taking her, Mimi would be furious if she knew!

“John I really don't think this is a good idea….” Cynthia whispered, hoping he would change his mind. 

“Didn't I tell you to call me ‘Sir’?! Another little punishment for trying to question my judgement.” John barked.

 “Now sit on the bed like a good little girl while I get some stuff. Don't you dare move.” He said darkly and turned to leave the room. Cynthia sat down on the edge of the bed and looked around Mimi’s room, it was incredibly tidy and orderly, which Cynthia supposed was to be expected from a stern woman like Mimi. Cyn began to giggle quietly as she thought about how taboo this all was, having rough kinky sex in your boyfriends Aunties bedroom was pretty hot once you got into the spirit of things… Plus Mimi had a much bigger bed then John’s which was a major bonus.

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