Chapter Thirteen

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Paul left Mendips shortly after John and Paul's conversation, John had kissed Paul goodbye and Paul was still shocked at how natural it felt to do something so intimate with John, with another bloke. It wasn't like kissing a girl, it was firm and rough as opposed to soft and sweet, but it was good. Very good, Paul had to admit he quite enjoyed kissing John.

That morning Paul wasn't sure of the relationship he now had with John, not sure if it was just a physical lust for one another, but after Paul told John about Dots pregnancy and John's refusal to end whatever it is they have together, Paul now knew that John was just as emotionally invested in this relationship as he was himself.

It wasn't just fooling around to John - which was something Paul had been fearful off, that he would come to love John only for him to let him down - which made Paul feel better and more comfortable about everything. Although it was safe to say Paul still felt immensely guilty about what he was doing to Dot, the girl that he loved and now the Mother of his unborn children, But it was slightly soothing to know that what he was doing with John was important to both of them.

For a boy of only 17, Paul's life was quickly becoming more and more complicated.

Paul now stood outside his family home on Forthlin road. Paul really didn't know how this situation was going to sit with his Father, anger and acceptance both seemed like equally likely reactions. Jim McCartney was a stern man for the most part, but he had a soft spot for family and Paul hoped that this soft spot was enough to stop Jim from killing him.

Paul walked into the house and saw Mike, his younger Brother, sitting on the living room floor, homework spread out all around him on the carpet and the radio playing softly in the background.

“Dot called for you this mornin’ Paul, she sounded pretty upset on the phone… Did she manage to get a hold of ya?” Mike asked as Paul slumped onto the couch.

“Yeah, she got me at John's… I went and saw her this mornin’” Paul replied tiredly.

“What's wrong with her? Did you break up with her?” Mike questioned. Paul sighed heavily.

“I didn't break up with her, we’re still together….She just got some unexpected news is all… I’ll tell ya about it later, After I talk ta Da’” Paul said slowly, choosing his words carefully.

Mike looked up from his homework and gave Paul a curious stare.

“Why will you tell me? You never tell me anythin’.” Mike said, confused.

“I will tell you because it’s important and I guess it involves all of us to some extent, that's all I'm saying till I've talked to Dad. Speaking of which, where is the old man?”

“What old man? You had better not be talking about me James Paul McCartney.” Said a voice coming from the kitchen at the other end of the house.

“Something tells me he’s in the Kitchen Paul… Dunno, could be wrong.” Said Mike with a grin on his face.

“Shut it smart arse. Finish your homework.” Paul said before he got up off the couch and walked slowly into the Kitchen.

Mike tried to concentrate on his homework, but Paul's words had him curious and he found himself wondering what Paul had to tell them.

“Alright Dad?” Paul said nervously as he entered the Kitchen where his Father was busy making a cup of tea.

“Alright Paul, do you want a cuppa Son?” He asked without looking up.

“Um no thanks…. I kind of need to talk to you about something important though.” Paul said, fiddling with a pen he had found sat on the Kitchen table, distracting himself by rolling it between his fingers and across his knuckles.

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