Chapter Eleven

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Cynthia awoke in the morning to find Dot gone from the bedroom, she has spent the night squished in with Dot in her tiny single bed comforting her all night. Cyn sat up and looked around the room looking for any sign of Dot. She noticed the bedroom door was slightly ajar so Cyn got up from the bed groggily, partly because she was still half asleep and partly because she couldn't see two feet in front of her without her glasses. Cyn grabbed the warm dressing gown that she had brought from her house and pulled it on and tied it tightly at the waist. She made her way out of Dots room, calling out to her quietly, she didn't know if Dots parents had left for the day yet so it was best to stay quiet so as not to wake them of they were still home.

Cyn was just about to call out again when she heard a faint groaning coming from the bathroom. Cyn knocked on the door and pushed it open slightly only to find a sleepy looking Dot hunched over the toilet.

Cyn rushed over to the younger girl and rubbed soothing circles onto her back while she held Dots hair out of her face.

After a few minutes Dot sat up straight, and declared that she felt better. Cyn helped her up and led her to the basin so she could wash her face and rinse her mouth.

"Sorry about that." Dot said sheepishly as she turned around to face Cyn after she had finished at the sink.

"Its fine Dot.... Was that-" Cyn said began but was cut off by Dot.

"Morning sickness? Yes I believe so.... I only started getting it this week." She said.

"Oh Dot thats awful... Do you get it throughout the day?" Cyn said sympathetically.

"No, thankfully I only seem to get it in the morning, living up to the name I suppose.." Dot said sadly.

"Well let's go down and get some breakfast... Then I think its best to call Paul." Cyn said tentatively.

Dot simply nodded her head before moving out of the cramped bathroom. Dot went to get dressed while cyn went down stairs to the kitchen to make the breakfast. Just toast and cereal, nothing fancy.

Cynthia was buttering the warm toast when Dot appeared in the kitchen wearing another of her baggy shirts to conceal her baby bump. Dot sat down at the table and Cyn brought her a slice of toast, a bowl of cereal and a jug of milk.

"Are your parents home or have they gone out for the day?" Cyn asked when she too sat down at the table with her toast and cereal.  

"Both gone for the day." Dot replied.

"Good. I think its probably best to just tell Paul to come here.... No interruptions."

Dot looked up from her bowl and looked at Cyn with wide eyes, before she nodded slowly and began to gnaw her bottom lip nervously.

The two girls ate the rest of their meal in silence, both of the playing out the possible outcomes of their talk with Paul.

The way Dot saw it there was was only one possible outcome, an angry Paul storming out of her life forever and her being left to raise the baby/babies herself. She knew deep down that Paul loved her and would love his children no matter what, but she felt as if the whole world was against her, crashing down on her... The possibility of anything good happening just seemed impossible.

After the their breakfast was eaten Dot clearer the table and set about washing the dishes, while Cynthia went up stairs to get dressed.

When the two girls had finished their tasks they stood in front of the heavy black phone that sat on the table in the hallway.

"Come on Dot, the sooner you do it the better." Cyn said encouragingly.

Dot nodded and sighed deeply before picking up the phone and dialing Paul's number.

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