Chapter Six

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John awoke the next morning, having slept through the night without stirring once. John untangled his limbs from Cynthias and sat up on the bed, looking down at the sleeping form of his Girlfriend. She looked very peaceful, snoring quietly, her hair spread across the pillow and her face. John couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to wake up with Paul in his arms, with Paul's legs intertwined with his own, to hear Paul's soft snores as he dreamed peacefully. John wanted to experience it all first hand but he knew that his chances were slim, plus it wasn't fair on Cyn. For what seemed like the millionth time, John pushed Paul from his mind and softly began to poke Cynthias cheek to wake her. Cyn began to stir at John's incessant poking and prodding.

“Poke me one more time John Winston Lennon and I will end you.” Cyn said menacingly, her eyes slowly opening. John smirked before he flicked her in the nose. Cynthia glared at John before she quickly grabbed the pillow she was sleeping on and smacked John around the head with it, making him hit his head on the wall with the force of the blow.

"Jesus cyn that hurt!" He whined, rubbing the back of his sore head.

"Good. I intended it too." She replied smiling sweetly. She sat up in the bed, wincing slightly as her body began to ache at the sudden movement, only now feeling the repercussions of last nights rough play.

"Ugh, we are not have sex like that again for quite a while John, my whole body hurts..." She said, stretching slightly hoping it would lessen the pain. John leaned his head down and placed a soft kiss on her lips before smiling at her cheekily.

"That's funny love, I don't hurt at all. And I did all the work" he replied before moving off the bed and out of her reach so she couldn't hit him again.

"Yeah well I'll be the one doing all the work when I kill you and bury your body in the garden." She said seriously, reaching down to retrieve her clothes from the floor.

"Aw I love you too darlin'." John said, fluttering his eyelashes.

Once they were both dressed, the pair went down stairs to the kitchen to make some toast and tea for their breakfast.

"Are you still meeting Dot for lunch today love?" John asked as they sat at the table munching on their food and sipping their tea.

"Yes, I had best be going soon, I need to go home and change my clothes and be ready to meet her at 11:30." She said, looking up from the newspaper she was reading.

"Do me a favour love and find out why she's been acting strange around Paulie? Poor bloke says she won't let him shag her."  

"John! I'm NOT going to ask her that!" cynthia exclaimed.

“Aw come on love, just find out why she is being strange to him, I was just jokin’ ‘bout the shagging. “John said, his face full of amusement.

“Fine, fine i'll try. I best be on my way home now I suppose.” She said, getting up from her seat at the table to kiss John goodbye. John stood up and placed a hand on her waist and the other on her cheek as he softly kissed her lips. Cynthia smiled up at John as they broke apart.

“Will you be coming to the gig tonight luv?” John asked.

“I don't think so, I don't know how long I will be with Dot and I have homework.” She replied.

“Thats alright, probably gonna be a shit gig anyway. I'm gonna get George over here and get him pissed so he will tell me what's wrong with the poor sod.”  John said, grinning slightly at the thought that he would be drunk soon.

“Alright then, but go easy on the kid Johnny. I'll see you tomorrow or at school on Monday. Bye love.” She gave him one last squeeze before she left. As soon as the door closed behind Cynthia John made his way to the phone that sat on the coffee table in the living room and dialed Georges number. Georges Mum answered after a few rings.

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