Chapter Twenty Seven

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Time passed swiftly for John and Paul, the band was improving in leaps and bounds and the idea of expanding their audience was becoming an increasingly more appealing thought, John in particular was very interested in furthering the band's career and had been pestering every Tom, Dick and Harry for new opportunities.

Baby Mary was growing and changing everyday, practically every time Paul looked at her she was doing something new or he had noticed a subtle difference in her appearance so minute that only a parent could detect it.                                                                                                                                                             She was sitting up and rolling around all by herself, she had discovered the full mobility of her hands and fingers and now reached out for Paul to pick her up, something which melted his heart every single time time, not to mention the constant flow of gibberish gobbledygook that spouted from her mouth - no real words, just sounds and what could be mistaken for a whole other language of her own invention- along with the torrents of dribble that accompanied her brand spankin' new baby teeth.

Paul found himself more and more amazed with her every passing day, she was a real person now with a personality and a real laugh and smile, it was an incredible thing for him to witness and he didn't want to miss a single day of it.

Little did he know in just a few weeks he'd be missing more than just a day of Mary's developments.


It was a an unusually balmy night and the newly dubbed 'Silver Beatles' had finished a rip roaring gig at the Jacaranda when one of John's pushy inquiries proved to be successful.

Allan Williams was the owner of the Jac, considered himself to be quite an accomplished manager.

Allan was quite fond of John and even more so of Stuart, he'd had the two art students paint the ladies Bathroom before finally caving in and allowing John's band to play regularly in his fine establishment. So much was his fondness of the two boys that when a German entrepreneur by the name of Bruno Koschmider came to hire another English rock and roll band to play in his nightclubs, Allan offered the job to The Silver Beatles.

Well a he had offered it too a few other groups first but he wasn't going to tell John that.

John was ecstatic.

Germany was practically Sin City compared to prudish old England, and John was frothing at the mouth at the very thought of getting to live there and play rock and roll for a few months, he couldn't wait to tell Paul the good news.

It was the next day and all the members of The Silver Beatles were squashed in around a table at the pub, pints in hands and cigarettes hanging between their lips.

"Well fellas, I've got news." John opened with his usual snarky smile.

The others looked to John with mild curiosity in their eyes.

"Good news or bad news?" George asked in his slow, drawn out way.

"News of the good variety Georgie Boy." He assured condescendingly, making George scowl.

"Being the wonderful band leader that I am, I've gone and got us a job at a club in bloody Hamburg!" He exclaimed, watching as everyone's eyes went wide in shock and wonder, he took particular notice of Paul's expression, enchanted by the childlike 'O' his full lips formed in surprise, his eyes were bright with excitement for a moment before they suddenly went blank, his eyebrows furrowing.

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