Chapter Thirty-Three

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(More like chapter Thirty-two B, but whatever) 

Paul was sitting cheerfully inside a tasteful hole in the wall cafe, the ever lovely Jane Asher seated opposite him, her elbows resting on the small round table , her dainty chin perched in the palms of her hands as she hung on everyone one of Paul's words.

It was the pair's third 'Date' and Paul was, surprisingly enough, genuinely enjoying her company.

At first Paul had been resistant to the idea of Brian setting him and John up with women, even if it was only for a date or two - the publicity of them being seen with lovely Women was the main objective - it seemed so deceitful to wine and dine these ladies only to go home to your significant other, who also happened to be a Man.

It had so far been easy for John, Brian had set him up with Women that John would lose interest in complete after only a few meetings, John could easily put up a barrier and never grow too attached.

Paul on the other hand, couldn't help but make a connection, it was just the kind of person he was. It wasn't like having a one night stand, those didn't really involve all that much talking, sometimes the whole interaction could take place without a single name being exchanged.

Dates were different, you learned about the other person, you connected either positively or negatively. It was hard to just drop them after a few meetings and move onto the next Girl that Brian could find.

Hence why Paul was currently on Date number three with the stunning redhead.

Paul had first been struck by her stunning good looks, her beautiful red hair and peaches and cream complexion. He had been caught hook, line, and sinker by her.

But it was Jane's mind that kept him coming back for more. Paul found her to much more than a pretty face - with the added bonus of pretty hair to boot - she was well educated to say the least. She was well versed in all the things that Paul only had a basic understanding of, literature, poetry, politics, classical music, history, she was a near never ending wealth of knowledge.

All that matched with her soft spoken, classy London accent made Paul embarrassed of he what he now knew to be relatively basic education and grating scouse accent.

On one hand he didn't feel worthy of her company, but on the other hand, he felt proud to be graced with it anyway.

Brian had set the pair up after an interview Jane had conducted with the Boys, he saw the way Paul protected her from John's brash jokes and innuendos and instantly thought the she and Paul would be the perfect show business match.

A star couple.

The perfect distraction for John and Paul.

John knew exactly what Brian was up to - deep down so did Paul - and he could definitely see the benefits to this crazy scheme, but he couldn't help but feel hopelessly jealous every time Paul skipped off to meet with Jane, leaving John behind to watch Mary.

"Paul?" Jane called, her hand waving in front of Paul's face.

"You were in a whole other world! I hope I'm not boring you..." She continued, self-conscious and unsure of herself.

Paul was so alien to her, he seemed so much older than he was. He had such an angelic, beautiful face, but, she knew that he was no angel. He was damaged and broken and pieced back together. He made Jane feel even younger than her seventeen years.

"Of course not! Quite the opposite really, too enchanted by you for my brain to function properly." He reassured, tipping his head to the side, grinning like a little boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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