Chapter Eight

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John and George sat in silence, both not quite know what to say next. In the end John broke the silence.

“Well then…. Maybe we should fuck each other up the arse as a means of confirmation? Got to be sure about these things.” He deadpanned. George looked into John's serious face and choked slightly on his beer, he quickly recovered and played along.

“Oh of course old boy, can't be too careful. bend over mate, I'll go first.” George said cheekily.

John chuckled and replied,

“Oh believe me son, I won't be the one taking it up the arse.”

“I’d love to hear what Paulie has to say about that.” George said, John flinched slightly at the mention of Paul.

“fuckin’ hell George why’d ya have to mention Paul?” John said sadly. George sighed and chewed his bottom lip nervously.

“Sorry…...Um John?” He asked.


“What do we do now… Do we just pretend everything is normal? Are you gunna talk to Paul or what mate?” George asked.

John picked up his beer bottle and began to drink again, properly this time. He brought the bottle to his lip and drank a large mouth full of the slightly warm beer. As he brought to bottle back down his sighed heavily and rubbed his jaw thoughtfully.

"I suppose we just go on as normal. No one needs to know anything, ain't their fuckin' business anyway. But I guess I'll tell Paul about me... I need to, its killin' me it is. But I won't tell him about you." John said finally.

George nodded his head in agreement and replied,

"Okay that's sounds good. But you can tell Paul about me, he was the one I was gunna tell eventually anyway.... But if you tell him its easier for me."

"Okay....okay I'll tell him everything. Should be a fun time, can't fucking wait. Now do me a favour Georgie and let's get fucking drunk." John said and smiled at the prospect of forgetting everything, even if it was only for a little while.



Cynthia was shocked. She was expecting Dot to say that a family member had died or she was moving away. Not that she was pregnant! She was only 16, Paul was only 17 - she assumed Paul was the Father, Dot was a very faithful girl- they were so young.

Cyn didn't know what to say so she simply held Dot, hugging her tightly. Cynthia knew that Dot wanted her help but Cyn just didn't know what to do.

Dot hiccuped through her tears and pulled away from Cyn so she could wipe away the tears that were flowing freely down her face.
"What am I going to do Cyn? Paul is going to hate me, my family is going to hate me, and I'm going to be stuck by myself with a baby I didn't ask for!" Dot said, her voice fraught with distress.

"First off you need to calm down love, just take deep breaths. It can't be good for the baby to be so worked up..." Cyn said in her soft soothing voice, her mind was spinning but she knew everything needed to calm down so the facts could become known.

Cynthia waited till Dots breathing settled and the tears stop running down her cheeks.

"Okay now tell me everything. But don't get yourself upset now okay?" She said. Dot nodded and took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Well, I've suspected for quite a while that I might be pregnant.... But I just held on hope that I wasn't... I convinced myself that I wasn't, that I was just putting on weight but then I missed my third period this week and I knew I couldnt pretend anymore and that I had to get checked out." Dot said in a shakey voice. Cynthia was taken aback once again, 3 months! Cyn looked down and noticed that the top Dot was wearing was very baggy on her, come to think of it Dot had been wearing baggy clothing the few times Cyn had seen her. Cynthia grasped the hem of Dots shirt in her hands lightly and lifted up the material just enough to see a  very distinct bump. Cynthia let the material fall and gestured to Dot that she should continue her story. Dot sighed and began again.

"Well, I went to the Doctors a few days ago, he still made me do a pregnancy test even though its quite plain to see that there's a baby in there.... Well it was positive and I just started crying... I already knew but it was hard to hear it anyway." Dot paused a moment to gather her thoughts before she continued.

"The doctor felt my stomachs and took some measurements and told me he would call in a few days to book an ultrasound. He called back this morning a-and he asked me if I was certain of how many periods I'd missed and I said I was.... He said that I was much bigger than I should be at 3 months... And that I needed to have the ultrasound as soon as possible because, oh God!" Dot had started sobbing again and Cyn pulled Dot against her once more and rubbed soothing circles on her back with her hand.

"Come on Dot its alright, tell me." Cynthia said.

"He said he thinks i-i'm having tw-twins!"

Just when Cyn thought things couldn't get  anymore grim Dot had to go and drop that bombshell.

"Oh my god Dot... I'm so sorry... I take it you haven't told Paul yet?" Cyn asked after a few moments of silence.

Dot shook her head.

"I don't know how to tell him! He's going to hate me Cyn! He's going to leave me I know it! He doesn't want to be tied down so young, hell I don't want to be tied down so young, and I wish I was brave enough to get an abortion but I can't kill them Cyn. I just can't kill my own children..." Dot said, her voice dying down to a whisper towards the end.

"Dot I honestly don't think Paul would leave you, I can't promise you anything but I know Paul and I don't think he would run out on his kids... " Cynthia said sincerely.

"I think you need to tell him, and soon. Maybe he could go to the ultrasound with you. Make things a little easier if it is twins." She continued. Dot looked at Cynthia shyly,

"Oh Cyn.... Do you think maybe you could tell him? I can't do this!" She pleaded.

Cyn shook her head.

"No Dot, I won't tell him but I will come with you to tell him if you want? Buy you have to do the talking okay?" She said in a strong voice, she wasn't going to give in to Dot.

Dot began to chew her bottom lip nervously and quietly mumbled okay.

Cynthia held Dots small hands in hers.

"We are going to tell him tomorrow okay? The sooner the better. I'll stay Here with you tonight and we will go in the morning." She said, looking into Dots eyes.

Dot simply nodded, knowing that she wouldn't win if she tried to argue and deep down she knew she had to tell him.

Cyn got up from the bed and layed Dot down and pulled the blanket over her, as if she was a small child.

"Rest now love, all this fussing and crying won't do those little ones any good. I'm going to go home and get a change of clothes and tell my Mother I'm staying here for the night. Please try and sleep Dot, I promise I'll be back soon and I will try and make everything as okay as I can."

Cynthia's said softly. Dot smiled a tiny smile at Cyn.

"Thank you so much Cyn, I don't deserve you." She said in her little voice that was hoarse from crying.

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