Chapter Nineteen

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The Doctor looked up from the chart he was holding and took in the fearful faces of the two young parents to be and quickly plastered a reassuring smile on to his face.

“Well it seems I come bearing good news.” He said.

“Those little babies are definitely fighters, seems like both of them are faring quite well, both are understandably under some stress and one is a little smaller than we would like, its heartbeat not as strong, but I think we’re in the clear for the time being.” He continued.

A fresh wave of tears overcame Dot, this time in relief.

“See, I said everythin’ is fine darlin’!” Paul exclaimed happily, leaning down to give Dot a loving peck on the lips. Paul felt a tear slide down his nose, landing on Dot’s cheek. He blinked quickly, trying to stop any other tears from falling.

“I’m going to keep her here over night, make sure everything is okay. After that, complete bed rest. And I mean complete bed rest, no funny business.” The Doctor said, eyeing the two teenagers with a small smirk before he left the two alone. Paul's cheeks flushed slightly and shot Dot a crooked smile which dot returned weakly.

“...Are you happy Paul?” she asked quietly.

“What? ‘Course I'm happy luv.” Paul replied, confused. why wouldn't he be happy?

“It’s just… It would have been a way out y’know. I don't feel that way but I would understand if you saw it that way…”

“Dot darlin’, I’ll be the first to admit that this is all happenin’ a fair bit earlier in my lifetime than I expected, but I'm not unhappy about it! It’s gunna be tough goin' for a while but in the end we get two gorgeous babies of our own, that's what I think about whenever things get a bit bleak and nerve wrecking.” Paul assured, caressing her baby bump soothingly.

Dot smiled brightly and placed her hand on top of Paul's, moving his hand to other side of her stomach.

“I can feel them moving again!” She cried happily. Paul felt the faint fluttering under his hand and his eyes shone with happiness.

“Right then, ‘spose I should go tell everyone the good news! You could do with some rest anyhow luv, so I'll leave you be.” Paul announced after a few more minutes of happy smiles and talk of the future. Dot nodded her head understandingly before stifling a yawn. She hadn't realised how tired she was until Paul pointed it out.

Paul pecked her once again on the lips before leaving his fiancée alone in her hospital bed.

As the door closed firmly behind Paul he turned to face his family and friends - was John his family or his friend now? - that were sitting anxiously in the waiting room, twiddling their thumbs. A smile crept onto his face as he saw their tense faces. Paul cleared his throat loudly and watched as all their heads turned quickly to face him, looking to him expectantly.

“Well you can all relax, they’re all alright.” He announced happily.

The usually composed Jim McCartney raced over and held his eldest Son in a tight bear hug.

“I hope you realise how lucky you are today Son.” He said quietly.

“I do Dad, I do.” Paul replied in a more sombre tone , patting his Fathers back reassuringly.

Michael and George were quick to envelope Paul with hugs and words of congratulations. John watched the goings on from him seat on the other side of the waiting room, noticing the look of unadulterated happiness in Paul eyes and John couldn't help but feel a stab of sadness knowing that that utter happiness had nothing to do with him.  John hadn't contributed to that smile at all, he wasn't the source of Paul’s happiness at that moment, and something in the back of his mind told him that this was the way things were going to be in the future and that hurt.

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