Chapter Twelve

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Cynthia and Dot were sitting in the living room when they heard someone rap on the front door. Dot, whose head had been hung over forward, snapped up and stared at the door. Cyn looked at Dot and saw the desperation and anxiety pouring off the younger girl.

"Stay there Dot, I'll get him and bring him in okay?" Cynthia said quietly so as not to startle Dot.

Dot clenched her fists and nodded her head. Cyn gave Dot a sympathetic smile and made her way to the front door that Paul had knocked on once more.

Cyn took a deep breath and grasped the doorknob in her hands and pulled open the heavy wooden door to reveal a blank faced Paul McCartney.

As soon as Paul saw Cyn some life came back to his face as he flashed her his signature charming smile.

Paul walked through the door and gave Cynthia a light hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"How are you Cyn luv?" He inquired.

"Oh I'm alright I suppose Paulie... Dot is in the living room." Cynthia replied with a sad smile. Paul looked at Cyn curiously, his brow slightly furrowed, before he turned around and walked into the living room. Paul spied Dot sitting on the couch, he walked over a placed a loving kiss in her lips before he moved to sit on one of the chairs in the room. Cynthia followed behind Paul and stood in the far corner of the room.

"So.... What do you need to tell me?" Paul asked slowly, looking from Dot to Cyn and back again.

Dots eyes darted around the room, trying to look at anything but Paul. Finally her eyes rested on Cyn and sent her a pleading stare. Cyn shook her head slightly, she wasn't going to give in. Dot needed to do this herself.

Dot grimaced before she looked back to Paul who was still waiting for an answer to his question

"Dot... Tell me. If you're leaving... Or-or breaking up with me just say it."  Paul said in a shaky voice.

"Oh Paulie I'm not breaking up with you! No... Never... And I'm not leaving, well I hope I don't have to leave... You see, I need to tell you something very important and I just want you to know how much I love you before I tell you." She said, her voice getting progressively stronger and she gained more courage.

Paul sighed in relief.

"And I love you dear. You know I love you too don't you?" Paul said.

"I-i know... I just hope you still love me after I tell you." Dot said, her voice growing quiet and sad once more.

"Dot whatever it is I'll still love you! Come now tell me, I'm getting worried now..."

Dot looked to Cynthia one last time, Cyn gave her a reassuring nod and motioned for her to get on with it.

Dot took one deep breath and let it all out.

"Paulie, I'm pregnant."


"I'm having a baby."

The words washed over Paul and span round and round in his mind.


Dot was Pregnant.

With child.

A baby.

A kid.

His kid.

His baby.

His baby.

Why did this have to happen now? He was just getting things together with John, he wanted to be with John.

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