Chapter Fourteen

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Paul woke up the next morning, feeling very giddy about his time with John yesterday, after Paul had returned the favour to John the pair had played guitar for little while. They were trying to maintain some semblance of a normal relationship, they didn't want it to be just physical so they decided to make sure to spend time together as friends and band mates as well as secret lovers. Paul was sitting up in his bed, a silly smile playing on his lips as he thought about John, when suddenly his Father knocked on the door and poked his head inside the room.

"Mornin' Paul. You best get up and ready Son, don't want to be late to the appointment so ya?" He said in a chirpy voice. Paul's dad had always been a morning person, a trait which had not been passed onto his eldest son who would sleep all night and day given half the chance, but luckily today Paul was happy and satisfied so getting up wasn't as hard as it usually was. Paul nodded and smiled slightly at his dad before he got up to take shower.

As the warm water poured over his naked body Paul was once again struck with the realisation that his life was changing drastically, in a matter of days Paul's relationships with Dot and John had changed and new people had been created out of seemingly thin air. But even as he thought of these life changing developments, Paul was pleased to find that he wasn't as stressed and guilt ridden as he had previously felt, Paul's Father had helped him come to terms with the Dots unexpected pregnancy and John had soothed Paul's guilty feelings and put their relationship into perspective. Paul was happy to once again have some control over his life and emotions again.

Paul shut of the water and wrapped a white towel around his waist before calling out to Michael that the bathroom was free. Paul stopped and waited for a response from his younger brother but when none came he realised that Mike would be at school, it was Monday morning after all.

School. Now that was something Paul hadn't thought about... What would he do? He couldn't go to school after the babies were born and Dot couldn't return to school after her pregnancy became too obvious.... It just wasn't the done thing, teenage pregnancy was taboo, as were children born out of wedlock. Usually in these circumstances the girl would be sent away to a relative or to a Convent and the child would either be raised by the other family members or given up for adoption.

Paul's stomach turned uneasily at the thought, he didn't want Dot to be sent away, he didn't want to never see his babies! Both options seemed barbaric to Paul and completely out of the question. Paul stewed over his thoughts as he dressed in appropriate clothing for the appointment at the hospital, nothing too teddy boyish. Paul decided to breach the topic with his Father.

After fixing his hair in his usual Elvis fashion he walked downstairs to where his Father was munching on a piece of toast and reading the morning newspaper.

Paul boiled the kettle and made himself and his Father a brew before sitting across from him at the table.

"Da'... What's going to happen with school? For me and Dot?" Paul asked after a moments hesitation.

Jim look over the top of his paper and looked into Paul's worried face before he closed the paper and folded it in half.

"Well... I suppose Dot will have to leave, she can't continue school in her state, its not the way and its not good for the babies - too much stress. As for you my boy, you stay and get an education so you can get a proper job. A teacher perhaps." Jim said.

"But what happens to Dot...Usually girls just disappear and come back with no baby and pretend nothing happened, or they never come back." Paul said, his voice laced with worry and fear.

Jim saw Paul's eyebrows furrow together and his forehead crease, he felt his heart breaking for his son, he truly did care about Dot and the babies.

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