Chapter Twenty One

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Dot was awoken by a strong pain resonating from her stomach, she clenched her jaw tightly and let out a hiss through her teeth. carefully she got out from the small bed in Paul and hers bedroom, hoping that it was just cramps from being in the same position for too long. she began to slowly make her way downstairs, thinking that movement would ease her pain, although she had a faint fear in the back of her mind that she could be going through another miscarriage scare.

As she stepped off the last stair another intense pain shot through her. She braced her hands on the wall and began to shuffle towards the living room where she knew Paul was asleep on the couch.

“Paul…” She whispered, trying to keep calm and not wake up the rest of the McCartneys.

Paul didn't so much as stir.

“Paul!” She said a little louder, her voice going up an octave as another pain hit her.

His face scrunched up but he continued to sleep until she grabbed his shoulders and shook him vigorously.

“Huh!? What…?” He said dumbly as he tried to wake up his brain.

“Somethings wrong Paul….”

“What? With the babies?” He questioned.

“Of course with the babies!” She cried through clenched teeth, holding her belly helplessly.

“....You’re not… Bleeding again are you?” He asked slowly, fear rising in his gut.

The younger girl shook her head.

“I don't think so…. It’s a different kind of pain.”

“I’m going ta wake up Da’ alright? Better go to the hozzie.” He said, standing up and gripping the younger girl by the elbows as he directed her to a chair to rest in. Just as she was about to sit down she felt a strange sensation and heard something rushing down to the floor.

“Oh my god!” She cried hoarsely.

“What!? What's wrong!?” Paul's shouted, forgetting all about being quiet.

“...I think my water just broke…” She whispered in disbelief.

“Fucking ‘ell! it’s too soon Dot! Way too soon!” The Father to be croaked.

“I know it’s too soon but It’s happening now Paul!”

“What's happening?” Said a voice from the top of the stairs. Paul's head whipped around and saw his Brother, his hair tousled, watching them with wide, curious eyes.

“Mike! Wake up Dad, tell him the babies are coming!”

Michael didn't need to be told twice, quickly he spun around and raced into his Fathers room.

Moments later a flustered looking Jim McCartney, wrapped tightly in his dark blue dressing gown came flying down the stairs. Neither Paul nor Michael had seen him move so fast in a very long time.

It was a whirlwind of questions and raised voices, tensions were high and everything blurred together into one giant jumble of stress and eventually all three McCartneys and Dot were sitting, or in Dots case, laying, in the car as Jim tossed aside his usual careful manner and sped towards the Hospital.

Dots head was lying in Paul's lap, he pushed her hair away from her eyes and caressed her forehead as she whimpered and whined every time another contraction came over her.

Dot felt her heart racing in her chest and her breaths became short and laboured. She knew all too well that she was going into labour and that it was far too soon, the words ‘High risk’ and ‘Possible complications’ spun round and round in her mind, she could feel it in her bones that something terrible was going to happen, but she tried hard to convince herself that it was just the worries of a first time Mother.

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