The Fall of Kingdoms

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Morrigan Da Rosa.

The reason for the fall of many kingdoms.

But not all kingdoms, only the ones she deems right to end.

She has put many tyrants to an end. It, of course, gained her a quite few enemies with grudges. She didn't care. She had nothing to lose.

.... That's what she thought at least....

Until she met them, a man and a woman, who both caught her heart. It went smoothly, they all got into a relationship, they got married, they built a house just for all three of them to live in. It was going so well!...

But all good things never stick around for too long..

The woman gave birth to their child. But it cost her life.

Morrigan and the man were devastated.

The man went on a risky mission. He never came back. What did come back was a letter, from the people who killed him. Mocking his death.

She called an old friend to look after her son until she came back.

She did what she does best, destroy their home until there was barely anything left.

She didn't kill them, no. A pregnant woman was among them, she dared not to lay a single finger on them.

"I will leave you and your little town alone. I'll let you live in peace as long as you let me live in peace. If you ever send another pathetic letter to my home again, I'll make sure nothing remains from here."

She warned them and traveled back home, she still had a child to raise after all.

The child grew up to be a ray of sunshine, he helped with everything in the house, playful. Morrigan loved him to bits.

When the child turned 7, he met another boy in a meadow, he brought him back to him and Morrigan's home, telling her that the frail one had nowhere to go.

Morrigan agreed to let the boy stay. It's important for the child to atleast have a friend...

As years went by, Morrigan watched as the two grow up together, her son was thrilled to have a friend, while the other wasn't that expressive.

When they turned 13, she taught them how to defend themselves, her son was a rather slow learner, his friend always helped him, since he understood the lessons a bit more clearer.

Though suddenly, when it hit her son's 16th birthday, his friend suddenly disappeared. Ran away.

Her son was still determined though, he was so sure that his friend would return.

Morrigan was worried, she admires her son's determination, but it rather obvious that he's gone for good...

Until that dreadful day... Her son's 18th birthday. The people she had warned came to her home, with armor, weapons, and potions. She didn't expect them. She wasn't ready to fight them, all she knows is that she NEEDS to protect her son.

The fight was long, most of the people were injured, Morrigan took a few hits, the most concerning was the deep cut on her left arm. She was about to land a blow on one of the men until she heard a scream.


She whipped her head to where she heard the scream. Her son had a sword to his throat, terrified. Yet it looked like he was talking to the person that was holding him hostage, panicked.

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