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Tyra "Trouble"



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Headcanon voice:


- I based her off of a yellow Saw Scaled Viper-

- She's half mutant of it-

- Still one of Big Mama's best champions-

- Therefore being a short time villain-

- She can change her skin texture to be the same as the snake she's based off of-

- She mostly only does this when she's irritated though, or to scare whoever she's fighting, since when the scales are rubbed together, it makes a hissing noise-

-She also has the snake's venom, which according to google, it's morality rate for those bitten are high-

- She uses that as a final resort though, she can go just fine without it-

- She's flexible-

- For most battles, she's quiet, other than her hissing-

- In a conversation, she's... Still not talkative-

- Has definitely stolen some of the boys weapons before-

- Can form a tail, only does it to choke someone-

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