Bad Gals InfoDump pt. 4

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Yeah another one- not very organized tho lmao-

- Deana didn't kill her WHOLE town, she just drastically lessened the population. There were still plenty of people. -

- Deana is still wanted in the town for the hundreds loved ones, friends and citizens she's killed. -

- Deana accidentally came across Black when falling off of a building didn't work. She couldn't move yet and Black insisted to help heal her. Taking her to Black's home. -

- She stayed with Black ever since. -

- Since Tammy is a ghost, she can shapeshift to whoever and whatever she wants, that still applies. -

- How is Tammy able to touch people and how can the others touch her? She can let people touch her by will, it's like an on and off switch. -

- Why did Tammy actually did what she did? The girls were half right, she was furious. But when she came back as a ghost, she doesn't really know why she was still around. What unfinished business was she supposed to finish?? -

- Since she was pretty young, she thought it was because she was pissed about no one even held a funeral for her, no picture, no record, no nothing. The only thing she got from people's suffering is enjoying it. -

- Of course when she joined the Bad Gals, she got even more confused. Was the school students' suffering not enough?? Or was it something else? -

- Black knows though. -

- Fright has always been the type to check people's needs, making sure they've been getting it. Naturally a soft heart -

- Fright hates being out in the cold for too long, especially on mountains. It creeps her out. -

- Fright would actually rather die than hurt a child and an innocent person. She's proven that on multiple occasions. -

- Fright often roams around the castle at random, looking like she's trying to find something. But when you ask her, she just suddenly gets back to her senses and stops. -

- Karma practically takes almost all insults as a compliment. Go ahead, call her a whore, she'll like that shit -

- Karma doesn't like Black romantically anymore, like at all- even before Torment and all that. -

- Just mother figure, and probably literally— -

- Has no filter what's so ever and WILL call Black "Mommy". -

- Karma is known for how reckless she can be with her slight immortality, sometimes she's gone too far and Black has to do the curse again. -

- Speaking of her curse, I changed it up a bit. The floating around her soul, cut that and she is instantly dead. That's basically what keeps her soul together. -

- Black constantly uses magic from her curse to keep Karma's soul together, it's not really a strain, it's more like burning some extra magic. -

- Leah can't do the invisibility thing like Shire can, but she can float.

- She can't flick her ears, the bandages prevent her from doing so, Black's trying to heal them because SOMEONE did a sloppy ass job. -

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